Pigs are incredibly smart. They are more insightful than many animals, they are smarter than dogs and some primates and some children up to 3 years old.
Pigs form a close relationship not only among themselves but also with other animals and humans.
Wild pigs play an important role in the ecosystem of our world and the conservation of biodiversity. They are good in searching of roots and spreading seeds of fruit trees and shrubs.
Pig has the extra sense of smell. The patch on the tip of the snout, connected with a special muscle, gives the additional flexibility and adaptability to search the ground.
Winston Churchill said that pigs look straight into man’s eyes and see an equal to them.
There are many stories about pigs saving the lives of people. For example, the pig at Central Peru pulled her owner out of the swamp, and another pig named Priscilla saved a drowning child.
My favourite fod is a pizza, hot dogs, potatoes fri and hamburgers.
I love pizza because it has sausage, ketchup, cheese, mushrooms.
I love hot dogs because it has sausages, ketchup,mayonnaise and corcica.
I love potatoe fri because it is delicious and cooked by deep fried.
i love hamburgers because it is cabbage, patty, onion, ketchup and more...
Моя любимая еда это пицца, хот-доги, картофель фри и гамбургеры.
Я люблю пиццу, потому что есть колбаса, кетчуп, сыр, грибы.
Я люблю хот-доги, потому что в хотдоге есть сосиски, кетчуп,майонез и горчица.
Я люблю картофель фри, потому что она вкусная и приготовленная во фритюре.
я люблю гамбургеры, потому что в нём есть капуста, котлета, лук, кетчуп и многое другое...
Pigs are incredibly smart. They are more insightful than many animals, they are smarter than dogs and some primates and some children up to 3 years old.
Pigs form a close relationship not only among themselves but also with other animals and humans.
Wild pigs play an important role in the ecosystem of our world and the conservation of biodiversity. They are good in searching of roots and spreading seeds of fruit trees and shrubs.
Pig has the extra sense of smell. The patch on the tip of the snout, connected with a special muscle, gives the additional flexibility and adaptability to search the ground.
Winston Churchill said that pigs look straight into man’s eyes and see an equal to them.
There are many stories about pigs saving the lives of people. For example, the pig at Central Peru pulled her owner out of the swamp, and another pig named Priscilla saved a drowning child.