переведите ! нужно! the flora of kazakhstan semi—desert is between two differentzones — steppes and deserts. very oftenlarge areas are occupied by wormwood,and in some more humid parts, there arethickets of needle grass. basically, semi—desert vegetation — isfescue, daisy and feath grass. about 250species of plants in kazakhstan areadapt to desert conditions. the mostinteresting representative isth blacksaksaal. also, in the desert area, sandacacia can be found the altai mountainsare rich in cedar and pine forests. in thesouthern mountains of tien shan there area lot of apple and ash forests. spruceforests grow in the altai mountains. it isbelieved that such plants as walnut, fir,spruce and maple appeared in kazakhstanmany millions years ago through the hillcountry of the tien shan, when the systemwas just beginning to take shape and hadlow hills. the nature of the altai, alataumountains is rich in various flowers: iris,saffon, bluebells, autumn crocus,snowdrops, peonies, some kinds of rosesand tulips and the symbol ol mountains,edelweiss. зарание !