Переведите предложения на английский язык. При переводе используйте инфинитив или герундий. 1. Джон любит плавать.
2. Дождь прекратился пару часов назад.
3. Мы остановились, чтобы перекусить.
4. Я решил поступить в магистратуру.
5. Древние племена жили охотой.
6. Ребята предложили сходить в кино.
7. Хозяйка предложила сделать нам кофе.
8. Дэн отказался разговаривать со мной о его брате.
9. Он почему-то отрицает, что мы знакомы.
10. Я боюсь идти через мост. Кажется, он опасный.
оңйңшйңойңойойңйшңшцшйңшйңшй 1 - Do you know anything about Drama whatever?
Speaker 2- I do not know much about it, but I read that it appeared many beautiful centuries ago.
Speaker 1- Why is it called Drama because?
Speaker 2- I think, because it will is about serious moments in people’s life.
Speaker 1 - Oh, it doesn’t sound very positive. To my and mind, this genre is not for me, I love comedies.
five extra words
1 - Do you know anything about Drama whatever?
Speaker 2- I do not know much about it, but I read that it appeared many beautiful centuries ago.
Speaker 1- Why is it called Drama because?
Speaker 2- I think, because it will is about serious moments in people’s life.
Speaker 1 - Oh, it doesn’t sound very positive. To my and mind, this genre is not for me, I love comedies.
five extra words
1 - Do you know anything about Drama whatever?
Speaker 2- I do not know much about it, but I read that it appeared many beautiful centuries ago.
Speaker 1- Why is it called Drama because?
Speaker 2- I think, because it will is about serious moments in people’s life.
Speaker 1 - Oh, it doesn’t sound very positive. To my and mind, this genre is not for me, I love comedies.
five extra words
1 - Do you know anything about Drama whatever?
Speaker 2- I do not know much about it, but I read that it appeared many beautiful centuries ago.
Speaker 1- Why is it called Drama because?
Speaker 2- I think, because it will is about serious moments in people’s life.
Speaker 1 - Oh, it doesn’t sound very positive. To my and mind, this genre is not for me, I love comedies.
five extra words
1 - Do you know anything about Drama whatever?
Speaker 2- I do not know much about it, but I read that it appeared many beautiful centuries ago.
Speaker 1- Why is it called Drama because?
Speaker 2- I think, because it will is about serious moments in people’s life.
Speaker 1 - Oh, it doesn’t sound very positive. To my and mind, this genre is not for me, I love comedies.
five extra words
1 - Do you know anything about Drama whatever?
Speaker 2- I do not know much about it, but I read that it appeared many beautiful centuries ago.
Speaker 1- Why is it called Drama because?
Speaker 2- I think, because it will is about serious moments in people’s life.
Speaker 1 - Oh, it doesn’t sound very positive. To my and mind, this genre is not for me, I love comedies.
five extra words
1 - Do you know anything about Drama whatever?
five extra words
1 - Do you know anything about Drama whatever?
Speaker 2- I do not know much about it, but I read that it appeared many
Put the phrases in the right place to make a dialogue.
I think, because it is about serious moments in people’s life.
Do you know anything about Drama?
Speaker 1 -
everybody knows that the first dramatic actin g was very popular in ancient Greece. Lots of people visit marketplaces and they can c hoose whatever they want. It began as a simple storytelling when a storytell er e adopting different v oices, roles and costumes. extra sentence
короче говоря я не знаю
Профиль — география мен геология ғылымдарында кездесетін вертикалды (тік) қималар немесе кейбір рельеф формаларының (аңғардың, таудың, теңіздің), геологиялық қабаттардың көлденең қимасы. Бұл вертикалды жазықтықта рельеф формаларьшың, жер қабығы құрылысымен құрамының өзгеруін зерттеуде картаны толықтыру үшін жасалады. Өсімдік, топырақ тағы басқалар. комплексті профиль ландшафт құрайтын әрбір табиғат элементтерінің байланыстарын түсіндіру үшін сызылады.
Интерне́т (англ. Internet, МФА: [ˈɪn.tə.net]) — всемирная система объединённых компьютерных сетей для хранения, обработки и передачи информации[1].