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27.12.2021 02:07 •  Английский язык

Переведите текст. identification. the republic of ireland occupies five-sixths of the island of ireland, the second largest island of the british isles. irish is the common term of reference for the country's citizens, its national culture, and its national language. while irish national culture is relatively homogeneous when compared to multinational and multicultural states elsewhere, irish people recognize both some minor and some significant cultural distinctions that are internal to the country and to the island. in 1922 ireland, which until then had been part of the united kingdom of great britain and ireland, was politically divided into the irish free state (later the republic of ireland) and northern ireland, which continued as part of the renamed united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland. northern ireland occupies the remaining sixth of the island. almost eighty years of separation have resulted in diverging patterns of national cultural development between these two neighbors, as seen in language and dialect, religion, government and politics, sport, music, and business culture. nevertheless, the largest minority population in northern ireland (approximately 42 percent of the total population of 1.66 million) consider themselves to be nationally and ethnically irish, and they point to the similarities between their national culture and that of the republic as one reason why they, and northern ireland, should be reunited with the republic, in what would then constitute an all-island nation-state. the majority population in northern ireland, who consider themselves to be nationally british, and who identify with the political communities of unionism and loyalism, do not seek unification with ireland, but rather wish to maintain their traditional ties to britain. within the republic, cultural distinctions are recognized between urban and rural areas (especially between the capital city dublin and the rest of the country), and between regional cultures, which are most often discussed in terms of the west, the south, the midlands, and the north, and which correspond roughly to the traditional irish provinces of connacht, munster, leinster, and ulster, respectively. while the overwhelming majority of irish people consider themselves to be ethnically irish, some irish nationals see themselves as irish of british descent, a group sometimes referred to as the "anglo-irish" or "west britons." another important cultural minority are irish "travellers," who have historically been an itinerant ethnic group known for their roles in the informal economy as artisans, traders, and entertainers. there are also small religious minorities (such as irish jews), and ethnic minorities (such as chinese, indians, and pakistanis), who have retained many aspects of cultural identification with their original national cultures. symbolism. the flag of ireland has three equal vertical bands of green (hoist side), white, and orange. this tricolor is also the symbol of the irish nation in other countries, most notably in northern ireland among the irish national minority. other flags that are meaningful to the irish include the golden harp on a green background and the dublin workers' flag of "the plough and the stars." the harp is the principal symbol on the national coat of arms, and the badge of the irish state is the shamrock. many symbols of irish national identity derive in part from their association with religion and church. the shamrock clover is associated with ireland's patron saint patrick, and with the holy trinity of christian belief. a saint brigid's cross is often found over the entrance to homes, as are representations of saints and other holy people, as well as portraits of the greatly admired, such as pope john xxiii and john f. kennedy. green is the color associated worldwide with irishness, but within ireland, and especially in northern ireland, it is more closely associated with being both irish and roman catholic, whereas orange is the color associated with protestantism, and more especially with northern irish people who support loyalism to the british crown and continued union with great britain. the colors of red, white, and blue, those of the british union jack, are often used to mark the territory of loyalist communities in northern ireland, just as orange, white, and green mark irish nationalist territory there. sports, especially the national ones organized by the gaelic athletic association such as hurling, camogie, and gaelic football, also serve as central symbols of the nation.

Показать ответ
03.06.2023 16:44

1. Piccadilly Circus - c) centre of one of London's busiest districts for shopping, theatres and cinemas.

2. Buckingham Palace - g) home of the Royal Family

3. Trafalgar Square - i) famous meeting place for crowds at the time of important national events

4. The Houses of Parliament - j) the seat of the British government

5. Big Ben - b) a famous clock, the symbol of London

6. Westminster Abbey - a) a church in London founded in 1065

7. National Gallery - d) more than 2,000 British and European paintings are placed here

8. Whitehall - f) a major London thoroughfare containing government offices

9. The Cenotaph - e) the memorial to the dead of the two world wars in Whitehall, London

10. British Museum - h) full of interesting things from the past and the present, from Britain and the rest of the world  


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05.06.2023 04:19

1.Яка мета тексту?

А) рекомендувати систему покращення пам'яті

Б) сприяти встановленню здорового балансу між роботою та особистим життям

В) порадити читачам, як досягти підвищення на роботі

D) пояснити, як можна уникнути проблем на робочому місці

2.Яка думка письменника про робоче місце?

А) це місце, де люди вчаться зберігати інформацію

Б) це джерело багатьох проблем для кожного

В) саме тут більшість людей чують про мнемотехнічні засоби

D) це швидке стресове середовище

3.Що розповідає письменник про мнемотехнічні засоби?

А) вони вимагають дуже специфічного стилю навчання

Б) вони часто відрізняються за своєю корисністю

В) вони є особливим типом техніки

Г) вони були створені асоціацією пам'яті

4. Подрібнення - це...

А) рідко використовується поза умовами роботи

Б) зазвичай використовується для покращення короткої командної пам'яті

В) широко використовується порівняно з іншими методиками.

D) зазвичай пов'язаний із завданнями, пов'язаними з дедлайнами

5. В останньому абзаці письменник має на увазі, що...

А) попередні рішення занадто застарілі, щоб бути корисними

Б) мнемотехнічні засоби слід використовувати щодня

В) ефективніше дотримуватися лише однієї техніки

Г) результати мнемотехнічних засобів непередбачуваня

ост переклад роби

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