Перевести с на в пассивном залоге 1. радио было изобретено маркони 2.в канаде говорят на и французском 3. забег был выигран юной бегуньей 4. результаты экзаменов будут высланы вам по почте 5. дэвид понял что им была совершена ужасная ошибка
1. Radio was invented by Marconi 2.English and French are spoken in Canada 3. The race was won by a young runner 4. The results of the exams will be sent to you by mail 5. David realized that he had made a terrible mistake
1.Radio was invented by Marconi
2.In Canada they speak English and French
3. The race was won by a young runner
4.Examination results will be mailed to you
5.David realized that he made a terrible mistake
2.English and French are spoken in Canada
3. The race was won by a young runner
4. The results of the exams will be sent to you by mail
5. David realized that he had made a terrible mistake