Перевести слова в косвенную речь
1.She said ,”I am talking now”.
2. He asked me, “Have you read this week?”
3. Father asked, “Pass me the salt”
4. He asked his sister, “ Why did you come ?”
5. Ann said, “Don’t touch these things, Nick!”
II. Passive Voice. Впишите нужную форму глагола в Страдательном залоге.
1.Detective stories (read) are every day.
2. Detective stories (read) yesterday.
3.Detective stories (read) tomorrow.
4.Detective stories (read) now.
5.Detective stories (read) from 5 till 7 yesterday.
6.Detective stories just (read) .
7.Detective stories (read) by 5 0’clock yesterday.
3. Conditionals 0,1,2,3. Choose the right variant.
We would be stupid if him about our secret.
we tell
will tell
had told
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I to London if I don't get a cheap flight.
didn't travel
will not travel
wouldn't have travelled
wouldn't travel
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If we to the radio, we would have heard the news.
would listen
had listened
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If you drop the vase, it
will break
would break
would have broken
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4. have something done
We usually (the bedrooms / redecorate) every two years.
have the rooms redecorated
are having the rooma redecorated
had the rooms redecorated
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Sarah isn't making her own wedding dress, she ... (it / make) by a designer in Italy.score
has it made
is having it made
had it made
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He didn't fix his car himself, he (it / fix) at the garage.
had it fixed
is having it fixed
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Will they paint the kitchen themselves, or (it / paint)?score
will they have it painted
do they have it painted
are they having it painted
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Измените предложения на подобные с Have something done. eg. He is mending his car-He is having his car mended. Впишите ответ.
He is cooking a cake-
She watered her garden -
You iron your T-shirt.-
5. Modal verbs
you see anything in this dark room ?
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In class, we shout, play or sing.
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Shall I turn on the light? — No, you . It is still light in the room.
may not
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you marry me?
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Hecome today or tomorrow. I'm not sure.
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I to do the test yesterday.
was able
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He ... read at the age of 5.
was able
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I ... say, you are not right.
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You eat less sweets.
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Салават Юлаев – национальный герой Башкирии (батыр), поэт-сказитель(сэзэн). Прославился как один из самых активных сподвижников Емельяна Пугачева в Крестьянской войне 1773-1775 годов.
В памяти башкирского народа Салават Юлаев навсегда останется национальным героем, борцом за права коренных жителей страны. Несмотря на юный возраст, он возглавил войско и повел его воевать за правое дело. Однако не только военными подвигами прославился этот отважный юноша. Он писал стихи на родном языке, прославлял свою отчизну, и без его творчества культура Башкирии утратила бы свою колоритность.
Salavat Yulaev, a national hero of Bashkortostan (Batyr), the poet-narrator(Sezen). He became famous as one of the most active associates of Emelyan Pugachev in the Peasant War of 1773-1775.
In the memory of the Bashkir people, Salavat Yulaev will forever remain a national hero, a fighter for the rights of the country's indigenous people. Despite his young age, he led the army and led it to fight for a just cause. However, this brave young man became famous not only for his military exploits. He wrote poems in his native language, glorified his homeland, and without his work, the culture of Bashkiria would have lost its colorfulness.
1. Our medical college has a library where the students can get all the text books.
перевод: В нашем медицинском колледже есть библиотека, где студенты могут получить все учебники.
2. After blood transfusion the patient must remain in bed for 2-3 hours.
перевод: После переливания крови больной должен оставаться в постели в течение 2-3 часов.
3. After the experiment doctor Simpson began to use chloroform during his operations.
перевод: После эксперимента доктор Симпсон начал использовать хлороформ во время своих операций.
4. Transfusion of incompatible blood may produce a post transfusion shock.
перевод: Переливание несовместимой крови может вызвать посттрансфузионный шок.
5. His mother made him see a doctor.
перевод: Мама заставила его обратиться к врачу.