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There used to be a lovely residential area in the city centre, but in the 1960s the local authority SUGGESTED to redevelop it as a shopping district. This ___NEEDED knocking down all the houses and building huge car parks to create space for shoppers from out of town. What's strange is that no one INVOLVED opposing the idead at the time. Even the residents SEEMED to accept that the area LET to be modernized. If you DECIDED turning houses into shops on such a big scale today, you wouldn't be ALLOWED to do it. The result was that we aFFORD them spoil the character of the centre. People shopped there in the day but at night everyone AVOIDED going there because of drug dealing and crime. Now, fifty years later, the local authority is building houses there again, but rents are so high that ordinary people can't CONSIDERED___ to live there.
The house of my dreams to be in the heart of my beloved city! The house is two level.On first floor is the swimingroom, hall and kitchen.On second three bedrooms and a balcony with a wonderful view of the house is on lake.Need Lovely garden in which grow not only apple trees and fenced house strawberry.Around on house is fence.Need fence in front of a statue that looks like the Statue of Liberty in New yorke.Zabor not high that I love people and I have nothing skryvat.neighbors my frequent guests.
There used to be a lovely residential area in the city centre, but in the 1960s the local authority SUGGESTED to redevelop it as a shopping district. This ___NEEDED knocking down all the houses and building huge car parks to create space for shoppers from out of town. What's strange is that no one INVOLVED opposing the idead at the time. Even the residents SEEMED to accept that the area LET to be modernized. If you DECIDED turning houses into shops on such a big scale today, you wouldn't be ALLOWED to do it. The result was that we aFFORD them spoil the character of the centre. People shopped there in the day but at night everyone AVOIDED going there because of drug dealing and crime. Now, fifty years later, the local authority is building houses there again, but rents are so high that ordinary people can't CONSIDERED___ to live there.