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13.11.2022 10:58 •  Английский язык

I. Choose the right tense form to make the sentences complete (Present Simple, Present Continuous, Future Simple, Future Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous, Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous)

1) I can’t come to the phone now. I (to have) a bath.

a) am having b) have c) had d) has
2) The Queen (to live) in Buckingham Palace.

a) is living b) lives c) lived d) has lived
3) I (to phone) you tomorrow if you like.

a) phone b) phoned c) shall phone d) have phoned
4) John says he (to write) at 10 a.m. tomorrow.

a) writes b) wrote c) has written d) will be writing
5) How many cities you (to see) in Australia?

a) did …see b) saw c) see d) have seen
6) I never (to be) to Italy.

a) was b) have been c) is d) shall be
7) Andrew asked if John (to see) any skyscrapers.

a) saw b) sees c) had seen d) will see
8) It (to be) cold last week.

a) was b) is c) will be d) has been
9) My elder sister (to cook) the pie since 10 and it is not ready yet.

a) has cooked b) has been cooking c) cooked d) will cook
10) The group of tourists from France (to visit) St. Paul’s Cathedral at 2 o’clock yesterday.

a) was visiting b) visited c) had visited d) visits
II. Choose the right form of the possessive, personal and reflexive pronouns and complete the sentences.

1) She gave me…phone number and I gave her….

a) her, mine b) his, we c) yourself, his
2) John told… about his new pet and I told about ….

a) her, mine b) me, mine c) she, her
3) Mary felt so unhappy that she threw …on the bed and cried.

a) himself b) yourself c) herself
4) It was a new place and soon we understood that we had lost….

a) ourselves b) us c) her
5) She never lets … shout at …dog.

a) her, mine b) herself, her c) yourself, his
III. Use the passive constructions to express the same.

They will post the letters when the ship arrives at the port.
a) The letters will be posted by them when the ship arrives at the port.
b) The letters are posted by them when the ship arrives at the port.
c) The letters were posted by them when the ship arrives at the port.
People buy videos like this everywhere.
a) Videos like this were bought by people everywhere.
b) Videos like this are bought by people everywhere.
c) Videos like this will be bought by people everywhere.
Someone broke the window last night.
a) The window will be broken by someone last night.
b) The window is broken by someone last night.
c) The window was broken by someone last night.
People make cheese from milk.
a) Cheese is made from milk.
b) Cheese was made from milk.
c) Cheese will be made from milk.
Europeans explored Australia in the 18th
a) Australia will be explored by Europeans in the 18th
b) Australia is explored by Europeans in the 18th
c) Australia was explored by Europeans in the 18th
IV. Write the same in indirect speech.

Mother said: “I want a cup of tea.”
a) Mother said that she wanted a cup of tea.
b) Mother said that she wants a cup of tea.
Linda said: “My father bought a new car.”
a) Linda said that her father bought a new car.
b) Linda said that her father had bought a new car.
The teacher said: “Water boils at 100 degrees Centigrade.”
a) The teacher said that water boiled at 100 degrees Centigrade.
b) The teacher said that water boils at 100 degrees Centigrade.
My friend said: “We met on March ”
a) My friend said that they met on March 2.
b) My friend said that they had met on March 2.
Sam said: “Moscow is a beautiful city.”
a) Sam said that Moscow was a beautiful city.
b) Sam said that Moscow is a beautiful city.
V. Fill in the prepositions to, in, for, on, about, at, of to make the sentences complete.

If you want to go to the theatre, you should think about some things beforehand. First (1) all go (2) the box-office and ask if they have seats (3) the day you want. Don’t forget that the most expensive seats are (4) the front stalls or in the boxes, and the cheapest are in the gallery. The seats in the dress circle are not so expensive but quite good, especially if they are (5) the first and second row. If you can’t decide (6) your seats, you can look (7) the map (8) the hall which usually is (9) the wall (10) the box-office and can be quite helpful.

1) a) to b) in c) for d) of

2) a) to b) in c) for d) of

3) a) to b) in c) for d) of

4) a) to b) in c) for d) of

5) a) to b) in c) for d) of

6) a) about b) in c) for d) of

7) a) at b) in c) for d) of

8) a) to b) at c) in d) of

9) a) to b) in c) on d) of

10) a) to b) in c) for d) of

Показать ответ
09.03.2021 17:39
1) My brother b)cried yesterday.
2) Bob a)helped his father.
3) The girls c)skipped in the park.
4) My sister b)studied English last year.
5) Did you walk in the park a)yesterday?
6) What game c)did you play yesterday?
7) Tom c)tried to play tennis.
8) We b)ate porridge yesterday.
9) Mother a)bought some bread.
10) l b)did my homework yesterday.

1) l c)saw a nice picture yesterday.
2) Bob c)didn't go to school last week.
3) Tom a)got a present yesterday.
4) Did you b)read this book last year?
5) l didn't c)hear your song.
6) Mary b)sang this song at the party.
7) Granny a)wrote a letter to us last week.
8) l c)didn't drink my juice yesterday.
9) Did you b) sleep well last night?
10) Why b) did you buy this bag?
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23.07.2021 07:54
Заполните корректно слово (а) из списка ниже, а затем перевести слова вы вставили. (См Урок 43, текст "Землетрясение в Лос-Анджелесе" для Влияние, ограничены, напомнил, завывая, по оценкам, оставшиеся в живых, потрясли, укрепить, цепляться, интенсивный 1.  Тепло от горящего дома затрудняет пожарные вперед. (экстремальных) 2.Здания близкие к бомбе ... ... .. сильно, когда она взорвалась. (покачала) 3. Потому что Иоанн был ношение защитной одежды, его травмы я был ... .. в руках и ногах. (ограниченное) 4. Вы могли слышать собак просто до начала землетрясения. (плачет) 5. Точное число погибших людей неизвестна, но цифра .., чтобы быть 400. (примерно догадался) 6. Эксперты утверждают, что землетрясение все здания должны быть ... .. стальными прутьями. (из сильнее) 7.  Авиакатастрофа были доставлены в больницу на вертолете. (люди, которые не умерли в) 8.Когда землетрясение, Сьюзен побежала к ...  с матерью для комфорта. (удерживайте крепко) 9. "Полный ядерного взрыва, пока не известно", сказал Репортер. (эффект) 10.Полиция спросила Клэр, если она ...  когда-либо приходилось видеть человека. (вспомнил) 
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