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25.01.2021 15:57 •  Английский язык

по английскому!
задания в скринах.
задания лёгкие я тороплюсь

по английскому! задания в скринах. задания лёгкие я тороплюсь
по английскому! задания в скринах. задания лёгкие я тороплюсь
по английскому! задания в скринах. задания лёгкие я тороплюсь
по английскому! задания в скринах. задания лёгкие я тороплюсь
по английскому! задания в скринах. задания лёгкие я тороплюсь

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20.05.2022 17:42
One day my mother and I was invited to a local theater. The tickets were booked in advance . I knew that our places will be in the box . Honestly, my mother was not quite content . She said she does not know the play , and fears that this play is for adults , not for kids my age . Of course, I was looking forward to the date of the show...

Even now, when I remember this performance , I feel myself particularly happy. The play lasted no more than twenty to twenty-five minutes. When the curtain rose , we saw some beautiful, but not very young man talking to another woman , who looked much younger than him. She was dressed in the latest fashion . I realized that it was his wife .

Suddenly the maid came and told the man that someone came to him . Then his wife left the room , and the maid introduced shy blonde girl of about fourteen . I guessed that this girl is the daughter of the man , and that he left his family

Entering the room , the girl looked around and gave money to her father . She came to reject his help. She tried to take hold of herself, but her eyes were full of tears , real tears . She tried to convince her father that she does not need anything , that her mother was able to rise children on her own, but I had the feeling that she wants to tell him : "We all love you, Dad , we're so miserable without you ." I felt sorry for the girl and proud of her ...

Finally, the curtain came down , and the audience began to applause. "How good and convincingly played the girl " - I said to my friend Lёnya , who sat next to me . " And she is not a girl - she said Lёnya.- She is an actress . Look."

He showed me the program , and I read that the role of Olya is played by artist Komissarzhevskaya . This was my first meeting with my beloved actress , great Komissarzhevskaya.
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16.06.2020 18:47
1. Often you walk. If most of the day you are sitting at a Desk or drive a car, adopt a rule to take a short walk in the morning, evening or at lunch time at least for 20 minutes. 2.The ladder is a great way to safely add physical activity into your day without visiting the gym next door. 2. Drink water. Try replacing unhealthy beverages a glass of pure water when you feel thirsty. 3. Breakfast! Breakfast is the one meal when it is better to eat something unhealthy than nothing at all. However, oatmeal with blueberries, raisins and bananas will be best. Bring an Apple or an orange to work, to eat later after Breakfast. 4. Meditate. Spend a few minutes quieting your mind. Breathe deeply and relax every part of your body. You can try this in the morning (before stretching) or before going to bed. Even lunchtime is well suited for meditation. 5. Avoid feelings of overeating. The worst that will happen is a slight feeling of hunger before your next meal. Science has proven that there are many benefits in eating fewer calories, so try not to overeat — this does not mean that you have to do fasting. 6. Get enough sleep. Everyone has their own need for sleep, but you'll know when you got enough sleep. Go to bed a little earlier than usual. Try not to drink beverages containing caffeine at least 5 hours before bedtime. Also large quantities of food and watching TV will prevent you to fall asleep quickly. Regular exercise will help to fall asleep sooner. 7. Go barefoot. If you normally spend a day wearing shoes, try to walk barefoot. If possible, walk in the office only in his socks (just make sure they don't smell). Next time you go to take out the trash, do it barefoot. Take your time, your feet may be extra sensitive because of a comfortable life in the Shoe. 8. Often move. Try not to sit in one place for more than one hour. Get up, walk, stretch, squat, jump, do anything. Think about activity as about life, and about the inactivity, as progressive death (again, both physically and mentally). 9. Do something relaxing. Allocate time for relaxation, as often as possible. It can mean anything: to spend quality time with family, reading a book by the sea, to go camping for the weekend, or just sit in the fresh air, enjoying the moment. You should set aside time to relax every day, but even if the whole week is busy, the stress can be removed in a matter of hours on the weekend doing something that relaxes you. 10. Laugh often. As deep breath, laughter is an excellent stress fighter. Science has proven that laughter can potentially even physically heal the body. This is a pure expression of joy and happiness. Even if you have no one to laugh, try it yourself. That's just fine! 11. Take a deep breath. A deep breath delivers enough oxygen in the body, soothes muscles and relieves stress. This is something you can do always and everywhere. During the day, try to take a deep breath, once you feel the first signs of fatigue. Fight stress with the help of oxygen! 12. Watch the children play. Watching children play reminds us what it's like to live without worries and stress, to live carefree and enjoying the moment. Inside us all there is a child who never dies, and watching the kids play, we allow our inner child to emerge. This allows us to rediscover the joy and beauty of each moment of life.
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