Поставить все типы во к предложениям ниже
1.Bob malied the package.
2.The children ate the cake yesterday evening.
3.Linda wrote those lotters.
4.The jeweler fixed my watch a week ago.
5.A college student bought our old car.
6.Mr. Fox washed all the windows.
.Я хочу представить вам свою компанию. Наша фирма является одним из крупнейших и старейших производителей автомобилей в Германии. Мы занимаемся производством широкой линейки автомобилей более ста лет подряд. Спектр нашей продукции может удовлетворить разнообразные потребности наших покупателей.
Our cars are manufactured in accordance with the highest international standards. They are sold in different countries of the world. The motors manufactured by our company are used not only in the automobile industry. We also deliver them for industrial, agricultural and scientific purposes. The most of our customers are pleased with the design and technical characteristics of our products.
Наши автомобили производятся в соответствии с высочайшими международными стандартами. Они продаются в различных государствах мира. Двигатели, произведенные нашей компанией, используются не только в автомобильной промышленности. Мы также поставляем их для промышленных, сельскохозяйственных и научных целей. Большинство наших покупателей удовлетворены дизайном и техническими характеристиками нашей продукции.
I would like to represent the range of motors and cars we are producing now. Here you can also see our price list. Every your inquiry will always receive our careful and prompt attention. You always can contact us to receive any detailed information on our products and terms of delivery
.Я хотел бы представить весь спектр двигателей и автомобилей, производимых сегодня нами. Здесь вы можете увидеть наш прайс-лист. Любому вашему запросу всегда будет уделено наше пристальное и немедленное внимание. Вы всегда сможете обратиться к нам за получением детальной информации относительно нашей продукции и условий поставки.
2.Unmanned space flight use of those remote-controlled vehicle. Plenty of space flight are more suitable for unmanned flight rather than manned space flight , due to the lower cost and lower risk factors.Unmanned space flight to fly many countries. Most of the American drone flights were coordinated by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory , and European flights European Space Operations Centre , part of Esa ( European Space Agency ) . Esa conducted relatively few space exploration missions (one example Flight Giotto, encountered Comet Halley). Esa has, however , launched a different ship to carry astronomy, and an employee with a CNasa on Space Telescope Hubble. A large number of very successful Russian space mission. Also several Japanese , Chinese and Indian missions.Unmanned space flight can be divided into 2 types : artificial satellites that orbit the earth and kosmicheskiya probe that Earth's orbit permission to explore other worlds.
3.Manned space flight - a man's journey into space, into Earth orbit and beyond , as performed by manned spacecraft. Delivery man in space is performed using the spacecraft. Long-term stay of people on the Earth's orbit is achieved through the use of orbital space stations. People making spaceflight called astronauts. Country capable of conducting space missions on their own spacecraft , launched its own launch vehicles , sometimes called space superpowers. Ability to carry out manned space flights preceded the country's ability as a space power , Runs on its own boosters own satellites.
4.At the beginning of the space age, between the USSR and the United States waged a battle for supremacy in space exploration, which gave positive results in a short time, they all izvestny.Seychas picture is somewhat different, more closely in this area vzamodeystviya space powers, as do you, why it happens. Competition, though fierce, is one of the engines of progress.