Представьте, что вы видели одного из монстров в тексте. сделайте запись в дневнике о том дне, когда вы его увидели. напишите, где вы были, и что вы делали, что именно вы видели, как вы себя чувствовали, что произошло далее (написать на )
20/11/17 (morning) I see the Monster! It was cute.I was on a walk and saw this. I came to it. The Monster was sitting on the garbage. I took the monster in my arms and carried him home. My mother was not against it since it was a kitten. I decided to call him Monster!
I see the Monster! It was cute.I was on a walk and saw this. I came to it. The Monster was sitting on the garbage. I took the monster in my arms and carried him home. My mother was not against it since it was a kitten. I decided to call him Monster!