Odnoy iz vazhneyshikh zadach sovremennoy shkoly yavlyayetsya sozdaniye neobkhodimykh i polnotsennykh usloviy dlya kazhdogo individual'nogo razvitiya kazhdogo rebonka, formirovaniye aktivnoy pozitsii kazhdogo uchashchegosya v uchebnom protsesse. Ispol'zovaniye aktivnykh form obucheniya yavlyayetsya osnovoy razvitiya poznavatel'noy kompetentnosti shkol'nika. Aktivnyye poznavatel'nyye sposobnosti formiruyutsya i razvivayutsya v protsesse poznavatel'noy deyatel'nosti. Kogda rebonok ne prosto slushatel', aktivnyy uchastnik v poznavatel'nom protsesse, svoim trudom dobyvayet znaniya. Takim obrazom, v kachestve osnovnykh neosporimykh dostoinstv vystupayut: vysokaya stepen' samostoyatel'nosti, initsiativnost', razvitiye sotsial'nykh navykov, umeniye dobyvat' znaniya, razvitiye tvorcheskikh sposobnostey. Chuvstvo svobody vybora delayet soznatel'nyy, produktivnym i boleye rezul'tativnym. Odnoy iz form uchebno - vospitatel'nogo protsessa, sostavlyayushchego chast' vospitaniya, yavlyayetsya vneklassnaya rabota po fizike. YA dumayu, chto pravil'no postavlennaya vneklassnaya rabota v shkole imeyet bol'shoye obrazovatel'noye i vospitatel'noye znacheniye. Ona rasshiryayet i razvivayet znaniya, poluchennyye na uroke, vozmozhno poluchit' mnogo poleznykh navykov, a, sledovatel'no, priblizhayet obucheniye i vospitaniye k zhizni. Pri vsem mnogoobrazii form vneklassnaya rabota po fizike dolzhna byt' svyazana so shkol'noy programmoy, vykhodit' za predely i vmeste s tem dopolnyat' yeye, to yest' dolzhna sushchestvovat' tesnaya vzaimosvyaz' mezhdu uchebnoy i vneurochnoy rabotoy.
1. Yes, the plant world of our country is very rich. We’ve got lots of different trees and flowers on the territory of our country 2. Yes, plants make our country more beautiful. 3) Yes, they make our country a healthier place to live. 4) Yes, the place where I live is rich in forests. 5) Yes, we grow some plants in our flat and we have a garden in the country. We grow many room flowers on the balcony and we also grow some fruit trees, for example, apple trees and pear trees in our garden. 6) We can plant more trees in the streets and in the parks to make our country green and beautiful. We also must cut down forest trees and destroy green world around us.
2. Yes, plants make our country more beautiful.
3) Yes, they make our country a healthier place to live.
4) Yes, the place where I live is rich in forests.
5) Yes, we grow some plants in our flat and we have a garden in the country. We grow many room flowers on the balcony and we also grow some fruit trees, for example, apple trees and pear trees in our garden.
6) We can plant more trees in the streets and in the parks to make our country green and beautiful. We also must cut down forest trees and destroy green world around us.