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Прочитайте монологи (A-D) о некоторых британских писателях и соедините их с утверждениями (1-5). Одно утверждение является лишним. ответы запишите.
Speaker A
Oscar Wilde was the son of a well-known Irish doctor and scientist. His mother was a very well-educated woman and a poet who published many poems. Oscar Wilde received a very good education. He began it at Trinity College in Dublin and graduated from Oxford in 1878. Oscar Wilde wrote many poems, fairy tales, plays, critical essays and the novel “he Picture of Dorian Gray”. The writer died in Paris and is buried there.
Speaker B
Jonathan Swift is the greatest satirist in the history of the British literature. He is the author of the immortal work “Gulliver’s Travels” which is well-known all over the world. Jonathan Swift was born in Dublin in 1667. Swift’s father died a few months before the birth of his son, and the boy saw but little of his mother. Swift’s school and college life was spent in Kilkenny School and Trinity College, Dublin. He wrote “The Drapier’s Letters”, his famous pamphlets in defense of the Irish people, and at the same time he wrote another pamphlet “A Modest Proposal” in defense of Irish children.
Speaker C
William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-on Avon in 1564. April 23rd is the day on which he was born and also the day when he died. Not much is known of his father John Shakespeare, though he was a man of some importance in Stratford. The poet’s mother was Mary Arden. William was the eldest son in the family. At the age of seven he was sent to Stratford Grammar School where he studied for six years. In 1557 he had to leave school as he had to help his father in his trade. He never went to school again.
Speaker D
George Bernard Show was born in Dublin, Ireland. His childhood was very hard. He was put into a job at the age of fourteen. In 1876 he went to London where he became a journalist and wrote for various periodicals. His most important plays include “Pigmalion”, “Caesar and Cleopatra”. “Man and Superman” and others. Bernard Shaw loved Russian realistic drama and with a few English writers and actors of his time brought the plays by Chekhov, Tolstoy and Gorky onto the English stage. In 1925 Bernard Show was awarded the Noble Prize for literature. He died on November 2, 1950 at the age of 94.

1) The speaker mentions the fact that the writer had never seen his father.
2) The speaker talks about the writer’s love of his native land.
3) The speaker describes the writer’s early years.
4) The speaker mentioned the city where the writer died.
5) The speaker emphasizes the writer’s attitude towards drama works created abroad.
2. Выберите правильную форму глаголов.
1. I can’t use my camera now. It (is repaired/ is being repaired). Could you possibly give me yours? 2. Detective novels (are devoured/are being devoured) easily. 3. John warned us to be careful. The bench (was painted/was being painted). 4. Please, be quiet. The speaker’s speech (is interpreted/is being interpreted). 5. Dinner was ready: the fish (was fried/was being fried), the potatoes (were boiled/were being boiled). 6. Mr Smith can’t see you now. He is meeting the new lawyers. They (are introduced/are being introduced). 7. When she came home in the evening, everybody was in the living room: a new film (was shown/was being shown) on TV. 8. Last autumn this novel (wasn’t being translated/ wasn’t translated) to the end. Now they’ve got a copy of translation and it (is published/is being published).
3. Перепишите предложения, используя страдательный залог. Где возможно, напишите 2 предложения.
1. The well-known company offered my brother a very interesting job. 2. They showed him a rare old book. 3. The woman asked Mary the way to the railway station. 4. We lent him our car to drive to the airport. 5. She told Jim the latest news. 6. They paid Mike his salary at last. 7. He sent his girlfriend a bunch of flowers. 8. I gave him a pound for his help.
4. Выберите слова, лексически и грамматически соответствующие предложениям.
1) I saw a (flock/pack) of sheep in the field.
2) It’s very unusual to wear rings on one’s (fingers/toes) but some people do that.
3) Beth was holding the child in her (hands/arms).
4) I don’t want to play the game (that’s why/because) I don’t know the rules.
5) We don’t think any ( farter/further) investigation is necessary.
6) Alice is six years (elder /older) than her brother.
7) We could see a (swarm/flock) of bees flying in the air.
8) Whales live in (prides/schools) and wolves live in (packs/herds).
9) Books were quite (common/general) in ancient Rome.

Показать ответ
05.04.2022 06:46

1.She shouldn't blame herself for what happened. It's not her fault.

2. He had to prepare everything himself.

3. Can you introduce me to your new friend? I'd like te meet him.

4. You should be ashamed of yourself. What you did was wrong.

5.Don't worry about us. We can take care of ourselves.

6. Please don't hurt him. He hasn't done anything wrong.

7. He is going to hurt himself if he doesn't pay more attention.

8. Her name's Alisha, but we call her Ali.

9.I have taught myself to play guitar just by watching video tutorials.

10. You will see us at the next event. We will be there.

0,0(0 оценок)
14.12.2020 07:45

1 The teacher said to me that I must study very hard for my exams.

2 The girl asked me if I could help her with her homework.

3  Steve reminded (her) not to be late for the date.

4 He asked where Julie was.

5 Ron said he was doing a Psychology degree at Harvard.

1 Учитель сказал мне, что я должен очень усердно готовиться к экзаменам.

2 Девочка спросила меня, не могу ли я ей с домашним заданием.

3 Стив напомнил ей, чтобы она не опаздывала на свидание.

4 Он спросил, где Джулия.

5 Рон сказал, что он получает степень по психологии в Гарварде.

0,0(0 оценок)
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