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вопросы :
1. что должен был сделать марк твен в саламанке, нью-йорк? 2 что все люди делали на платимор? 3. с кем говорил марк твен о получении места в спальном месте? 4. почему марк твен пострадал от ответа чиновника? 5. почему спутник марка твена советовал ему мириться с вещами? 6. то, что сказал компаньон марка твена, не улучшило состояние автора, не так ли? 7 что заметил марк твен только тогда? 8. что сказал проводник в форме марку твену? 9. почему марк твен сказал, что подойдет любое место? 10. какой отсек проводник предоставил в распоряжение марка твена? 11. что проводник сказал тому делать с джентльменскими чемоданами? 12. каким образом портер сделал там джентльменов комфортными? 13. что марк твен сказал об отношении дирижера и носильщика к ним? 14. понравилось ли товарищу марку твену то, как его обслужили? почему? 15. было ли отношение дирижера к марку твену результатом уважения к писателю? ​

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07.07.2020 19:14

1.The root grows thicker with age and helps support the tree.

2.In trees as large as the coast redwood of California, the water may travel 400 feet from the lowest roots to the highest leaves.

3.This seems against the laws of nature as the most efficient suction pump can raise water to only 33 feet.

4.Bryophytes are very small, even the "giants" of this group rarely grow taller than 15 centimetres.

5.The ferns are better adapted to land than bryophytes.

6.We probably depend much more on the flowering plants than on any other type of plants.

7.In vascular plants the sporophyte is more conspicuous than in bryophytes.

8.A genus is a larger group than a species.

9.Species of one genus are closer related to each other than to other kinds of plants.

10.All plants in the world may be divided into phyla, which are farther divided into smaller groups called classes.

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05.11.2020 07:39

The word logistic has originated from Greek word ‘Logistikos’ and the Latin word ‘Logisticus’ which means science of computing & calculating In ancient times it was used more in connection with moving armies, the supplies of food & armaments to the war front. During World War II logistics gained importance in army operations covering the movement of supplies, men & equipment across the border Today It has acquired the wider meaning and is used in the business for the movement of material from suppliers to the manufacturer and finally the finished goods to the consumers.

Logistics involves the integration of the production and delivery of a product or service in order to ensure efficient and effective management. Originally, logistics was…show more content…

• Consolidate product movement by grouping shipments.

• Maintain high quality and engage in continuous improvement.

• Support the entire product life cycle and the reverse logistics supply chain.

An effective logistics management strategy depends upon the following tactics:

• Coordinating functions (transportation management, warehousing, packaging, etc.) to create maximum value for the customer.

• Integrating the supply chain.

• Substituting information for inventory.

• Reducing supply chain partners to an effective minimum number.

• Pooling

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