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Прочитайте текст. определите, какие из утверждений 10–17 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – true), какие не соответствуют (2 – false) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – not stated). в поле ответа запишите одну цифру, которая соответствует номеру правильного ответа. the picture arthur started painting when he was 10. he loved painting so much that he decided to become an artist. arthur studied painting seriously and mastered his technical skills to reach a professional standard. at 25 he arranged his first exhibition. art critics wrote nice reviews of the exhibition and most of his paintings were sold. arthur was happy. he married tina, the girl he had loved since his school days, and rented a room to build his workshop there. soon, to complete his education, arthur went to italy. he lived and painted there for almost half a year. when his money was spent, arthur returned home. time passed but arthur’s other exhibitions were less successful than the first one. in fact arthur painted much better than before his visit to italy. but the art critics said that his paintings were too academic and there was nothing new in them. arthur worked hard to improve his style. sometimes he managed to sell some of his paintings but soon the money ran out and he felt very unhappy. one morning arthur came to his workshop earlier than usual. he tried to finish one of his pictures but he felt that he wasn’t able to work. arthur got angry and threw down his brush. a bright orange spot appeared on the board which lay below to protect the floor. the board was covered with green, blue and yellow paint from previous work. it was a real mixture of bright colours. arthur ran out of the workshop. an hour later, tina came to the workshop to clean it. she picked up the board and put it against the wall to clean the floor. at that moment, mr harrison, the owner of an art gallery, came in. two days before arthur had invited him to come and look at the pictures. arthur went around the workshop looking at the pictures. there was a blank and bored expression on his face. he sighed, “nothing interesting”. suddenly the board against the wall attracted his attention. he went closer. “tina, my dear,” he said. “what an interesting picture! is it arthur’s new work? why is he keeping it from us? ” tina kept silent, she didn’t know what to answer. mr harrison continued admiring the picture with an orange spot. “i’m happy that he has changed his style. this really is something special. i’ll ring arthur this evening. tell him that i’m ready to buy this picture myself. and any other pictures in this style.” then he left the workshop. when arthur came back, tina told him about mr harrison’s visit. she was very nervous and arthur couldn’t understand her at first. tina repeated the story and arthur started to laugh. then he asked, “why didn’t you explain the whole thing about the board to mr harrison? ” “i don’t know,” answered tina. “i knew that i should. but at first i thought he was playing jokes. then i was afraid to look silly. i just said i didn’t think you would sell it.” “i see,” said arthur. “but what shall we do now? ” when tina told arthur about mr harrison’s offer, he got angry. 1) true 2) false 3) not stated one day, by accident arthur put a bright orange spot on his best picture. 1) true 2) false 3) not stated when mr harrison came into the workshop, arthur was out. 1) true 2) false 3) not stated when arthur returned from italy, his pictures started to sell better. 1) true 2) false 3) not stated mr harrison wanted to buy one of arthur’s paintings. 1) true 2) false 3) not stated arthur and tina decided to keep the painting with the orange spot for themselves. 1) true 2) false 3) not stated tina, arthur’s wife, was an artist too. 1) true 2) false 3) not stated arthur’s first exhibition was a success. 1) true 2) false 3) not stated

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31.08.2020 03:12

Sammative Assessment for Unit 3 (5th form).  

Fill the correct verb.  

Have/ tells/trust/gossips/make up/stay  

Let`s have a look in the shop.  

Alina and Julia sometimes argue, but they always _make up_afterwards.  

Amir is honest. He always _tells__ the truth.  

Alen and Erkin often disagree, but they stillfriends.  

Laura never_stayabout her friends and keeps their secrets.  

You can_trust_Arsen. He is good and honest.  

Write the time. What time is it?  

It`s (пять часов).five hours  

It`s (десять минут седьмого)ten minutes past six  

It`s (четверть третьего/ четверть от двух)quarter past two  

It`s (половина третьего)hald past two  

It`s (без двадцати десять)twenty minutes to ten  

It`s (без четверти девять)quarter to ten  

It`s (7:30)half past seven  

Put the verb in the form of the Present Simple.  

Celebrate/ write/show/take/draw/stay/have/give  

) The children _give_respect  

Peter often _take_with his friends and has a good time.  

I usually _write_poems in birthday cards.  

We_ Celebrate_ Father`s Day in June.  

They_stay__gifts to their mother.  

She _draw_pictures for her friends.  

On a national holiday, people _have_the day off.  


Sammative Assessment for Unit 3 (5th form).  

Fill the correct verb.  

Have/ tells/trust/gossips/make up/stay  

Let`s have a look in the shop.  

Alina and Julia sometimes argue, but they always _make up_afterwards.  

Amir is honest. He always _tells__ the truth.  

Alen and Erkin often disagree, but they stillfriends.  

Laura never_stayabout her friends and keeps their secrets.  

You can_trust_Arsen. He is good and honest.  

Write the time. What time is it?  

It`s (пять часов).five hours  

It`s (десять минут седьмого)ten minutes past six  

It`s (четверть третьего/ четверть от двух)quarter past two  

It`s (половина третьего)hald past two  

It`s (без двадцати десять)twenty minutes to ten  

It`s (без четверти девять)quarter to ten  

It`s (7:30)half past seven  

Put the verb in the form of the Present Simple.  

Celebrate/ write/show/take/draw/stay/have/give  

) The children _give_respect  

Peter often _take_with his friends and has a good time.  

I usually _write_poems in birthday cards.  

We_ Celebrate_ Father`s Day in June.  

They_stay__gifts to their mother.  

She _draw_pictures for her friends.  

On a national holiday, people _have_the day off.  


Объяснение:Sammative Assessment for Unit 3 (5th form).  

Fill the correct verb.  

Have/ tells/trust/gossips/make up/stay  

Let`s have a look in the shop.  

Alina and Julia sometimes argue, but they always _make up_afterwards.  

Amir is honest. He always _tells__ the truth.  

Alen and Erkin often disagree, but they stillfriends.  

Laura never_stayabout her friends and keeps their secrets.  

You can_trust_Arsen. He is good and honest.  

Write the time. What time is it?  

It`s (пять часов).five hours  

It`s (десять минут седьмого)ten minutes past six  

It`s (четверть третьего/ четверть от двух)quarter past two  

It`s (половина третьего)hald past two  

It`s (без двадцати десять)twenty minutes to ten  

It`s (без четверти девять)quarter to ten  

It`s (7:30)half past seven  

Put the verb in the form of the Present Simple.  

Celebrate/ write/show/take/draw/stay/have/give  

) The children _give_respect  

Peter often _take_with his friends and has a good time.  

I usually _write_poems in birthday cards.  

We_ Celebrate_ Father`s Day in June.  

They_stay__gifts to their mother.  

She _draw_pictures for her friends.  

On a national holiday, people _have_the day off.  


цифры не копируются так что не обосрись)

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26.02.2022 13:09


ответ разместил: Гость

1. she is fifteen now but she has already travelled to over twenty countries.

2. some years ago he   was a doctor but he decided to see the world.

3. the first time this man went abroad was three years ago.

4. i can't go there now, i have told you several times.  

5. now it is the first time she   is driving a car.  

6. it seems to me that somebody has just knocked the door.

7. when he   came, his family was sitting in the dining-room speaking in a whisper. why are you whispering   ? - he asked them. what happened ?  

8. when she entered the room, her daughter was drawing a picture.   when she finished drawing, she   said . look! what a funny dog i have just   drawn ! do you like it ?

9. are you waiting for beth? - yes. why isn't she coming ?   i think she   is late.  

10. you know what profession he chose as a career.

11.   do you have money to pay for ticket ? - i am afraid i have forgotten my purse at home.

12. we made some good friends when   we were in france.


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