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11.08.2022 07:55 •  Английский язык

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The hardware means of security are various electronic, mechanical and electronic means and other system devices, which are embedded in the serial blocks of electronic systems of data processing and data transferring to provide internal security of computer facilities: terminals, devices of data input and output, processors, transmission links, etc.
The main functions of hardware means of security are:
■ the inhibition of the unauthorized remote access to the distant user;
■ the inhibition of the unauthorized remote access to the databases as a result of the casual or intentional activity of staff;
■ the protection of the software integrity. These functions are carried out in the way of:■ identification of the subjects (users, maintenance staff) and the objects (resources) of a system;■ authentication of the subject in accordance with the given identifier;
■ inspection of authorities, which implies checking the permit for certain kinds of work;
■ registration (logging) with reference to the forbidden resources
■ registration of the attempts of unauthorized access.
The implementation of these functions is carried out with the help of applying various engineering devices of special purpose. In particular, they include:
■ the emitters supplying uninterrupted power of hardware, and also the device of equalization, which prevents the spasmodic voltage, drop and voltage crests in the transmission network;
■ the devices of hardware screening, transmission links and accommodations where the computer machinery is located;
■ the devices of identification and commit of terminals and users when fulfilling the unauthorized access to a computer web;
■ the protection means of computer ports, etc.
The protection means of ports have some protective functions, in particular:
1) "a comparison of the code". The computer of port security verifies the code of the authorized users with the code required "a disguise". Some means of ports protection disguise the existence of ports on the line of a telephone link in the way of synthesizing a human voice, which answers the calls of the viewer;
2) "a counter-bell". In the memory of a means of ports protection not only access codes but also identification telephone numbers are kept;
3) input of the automatic "electronic record" of access to the computer system with fixing the main user's operations.
Software security means are necessary to accomplish logical and intellectual functions of security which embedded in the software tools of the system.
There are some aims of the safety, which are realized with the help of software security means:
■ check of the loading and login with the help of a password system;
■ delimitation and check of access rights to the system resources, terminals, exterior lives, constant and temporary data sets, etc.;
■ file protection from viruses;
■ automatic control of users' operations in the way of logging their activity.
The hardware and software security means are the means, which are based on the synthesis of program and hardware means. These means are widely used in authentication of users of the automated banking systems. Authentication is the inspection of the user's identifier before its access to the system resource.
The hardware and software safety means are also used at overlaying electronic and digital signatures of the accountable users. The use of smart cards containing passwords and users' codes are widespread in the automated banking systems.

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20.11.2022 18:09
Дорогой друг, с наилучшими пожеланиями пишу тебе я.
Твое письмо я получил, за которое я очень тебя благодарю.Я до сих пор провожу каникулы в деревне, в гостях у дедушки и бабушки. Мне здесь очень нравится, поэтому останусь здесь до конца лета. У меня здесь появилось много друзей. Мы с ними весело проводим время: играем в футбол, ходим купаться на речку, в лес за ягодами. Ребята - добрые, заводные бабушке. У нее есть небольшое хозяйство: куры, кролики и козы.
С дедушкой пару раз ходили на рыбалку. Вставали очень рано, когда еще только-только начинало светлеть. Здесь ловится окунь, карась, плотва.
Дед у меня опытный рыбак, поэтому без улова мы никогда не возвращались.Погода стоит настоящая летняя.
Много солнечных дней, в садах зреет хороший урожай. А природа тут какая! Выходишь утром на крыльцо дома, - и тебя встречает зеленое море деревьев, кустов, всевозможные краски цветов, пенье птиц.
Здесь – это тебе не в городе. Тут целый день богат новыми открытиями, новыми исследованиями.Дни проходят очень быстро. Скоро в школу, но если честно, то в нее еще не хочется. Хотел бы, правда, увидеть тебя и других ребят. Поговорили бы.Пиши - как отдыхаешь ты, чем занимаешься, что знаешь о наших. Передай им привет, если увидишь.Пиши. Буду рад.
До свидания.
Твой друг

Dear friend, I write to you with best wishes. I received your letter, for which I thank you very much.
I still spend my holidays in the village, visiting my grandparents. I really like it here, so I will stay here until the end of the summer. I made a lot of friends here. We have fun with them: we play football, go swimming in the river, in the woods for berries. Guys-good, clockwork.
Helping grandma. She has a small farm: chickens, rabbits and goats.
With grandpa a couple of times went fishing. They got up very early, when it was just beginning to Shine, when the grass lay under the weight of the morning dew. Here is caught perch, carp, roach. My Grandad experienced fisherman, so without a catch, we never went back.

The weather is real summer. A lot of Sunny days in the gardens of maturing a good crop. But the nature here is! Go out in the morning on the porch of the house, and you are met by a sea of green trees, bushes, all kinds of paint colors, the singing of birds. Here – it's not in the city. Here the whole day rich in new discoveries, new research.
The days pass very quickly. Soon to school, but to be honest, it is still not desirable. I'd really like to see you and the other guys. You should talk.Write - as you rest, what you do, what you know about our. Tell them I say hi if you see.
Write. I will be glad.
So long.
Your friend
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15.06.2020 05:26

20. Они никогда не принимали никаких серьезных решений без его ведома или совета. 21. Я знал, что они сразу же сообщили ему о нашей встрече. 22. Неприятности начались, когда они сказали мне изменить то, как мы управляли этим отделом. 23. На брюках у него была прореха, которую кто-то уже заштопал. 24. В его кругу на полицию смотрели как на врагов. 25. Они отвезли ребенка в больницу для бедных. 26. С тех пор как я начал задавать во о своей сестре, они постоянно лгали мне. 27. Я уверен, что они будут лучше выглядеть после него в армейском госпитале. 28. Когда ситуация требовала лжи, он лгал твердо и хорошо. 29. Никто еще не побеждал моего брата в теннисе. 30. Его маленькой дочке тоже подарили подарок

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