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Amelia Earhart

Amelia Earhart was an American aviator to set many records for her time. She was one of the first women who pioneered aviation in general. She was the first to complete a solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean and from Hawaii to the U.S. mainland.

Amelia Earhart disappeared in 1937 in an attempt to circumnavigate the globe somewhere in the Pacific. Her plane has not been found until the present day and this crash adds to the number of the unsolved mysteries of the 20th century.

Amelia was born in Atchison, Kansas, on July 24th, 1897. She led an active way of life hardly characteristic of the girls of her age: she played basketball and attended a car repair course.

During WWI she was engaged as a nurse of the Red Cross. At that time she developed an interest in aircrafts and spent a lot of time watching planes fly in Toronto, Canada.

Amelia set out on her first flight with one of the renowned pilots of the time, Frank Hawks, in December 1920 and became obsessed with flying.

Her flying lessons began in 1921. Amelia had to work as a clerk at a telephone company to support herself and to pay for the lessons. Some time later she bought her first airplane, a secondhand Kinner Airster, which got the name ‘Canary’. Having obtained her license from the National Aeronautics Association in 1921, she took part in her first flight exhibition in California.

Amelia Earhart is known to have set a number of records: she was the first woman to fly solo at a height above 14,000 feet, to cross the Atlantic, to fly across the U.S. and some others.

On June 1st, 1937 Amelia took off from Oakland flying eastwards. She was eager to become the first pilot ever to circumnavigate the world.

She was accompanied by a navigator. Together they had covered 22,000 miles before they reached New Guinea on June 29th. Around 7,000 miles were left to reach Oakland.

The plane disappeared on July 2nd. A two-week search was initiated by President Roosevelt, and then the crew was officially reported lost at sea. Many theories have been proposed since that time concerning the case. The plane might have run out of fuel and crashed into the ocean. They might have landed on an uninhabited island somewhere in the Pacific and then disappeared. They even might have survived for a period of time on the island. There exist some conspiracy theories stating that both Emily and her companion served as spies or that they were captured and executed by the Japanese.

The most recent evidence has probably thrown light on the accident. A photograph has been found in the National Archives. In the photo there is a ship towing another vessel with an airplane on the deck. Several people may be distinguished on a nearby dock.

It is arguable that the photo had been taken before 1943. The experts are inclined to confirm the authenticity of the picture. The people in the photo are presumably Earhart and Noonan, the navigator. The ship has been identified as the Japanese military craft which took the crew on board after the crash.

1. Amelia Earhart was the first pilot woman ever.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

2. It was her third attempt to fly around the world.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

3. Amelia differed from most girls of her age.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

4. Amelia set the maximum number of records for that time.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

5. The plane crashed halfway to the initial point.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

6. The missing plane was found but the crew was not.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

7. There is a slight probability that the plane in the picture really belonged to Amelia Earhart.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

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04.03.2022 17:44
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В зоомагазине.
Мистер Джонсон: Здравствуйте! Не могли бы вы мне? Я хочу взять домашнее животное для дочери, но я не могу выбрать. Они все выглядят мило и дружелюбно.
Продавец: Возьмите хомячка или морскую свинку. Их легко содержать. Многие люди их держат.
Г-н Дж .: Что они едят? Они спят в гнезде или в небольшом доме?
П: Они едят траву и семена, а спят в  клетках.
Г-н Дж .: В клетках? Я не хочу домашнее животное в клетке. Я думаю, что животные рождаются, чтобы быть свободными.
П:  Домашние животные не могут быть свободными. Они не могут жить без  присмотра людей.
Г-н Дж .: Я понимаю. Но я не хочу никаких домашних животных в клетке.
П.: Вы хотели бы приобрести котенка? У нас есть шесть замечательных здоровых котят.
Г-н Дж .: Я не знаю. Кошки не всегда дружелюбны. Oни царапаются.
П .: Щенок? Собаки замечательные компаньоны для детей.
Г-н Дж .: Да, но кто будет водить собаку на прогулку? Я не
думаю, что моя дочь будет это делать.
П.: Давайте посмотрим. Вы не хотите попугая, волнистого попугайчика или канарейку, они живут в клетках. Хотите посмотреть на золотых рыбок? Они действительно красивые и на них весело смотреть.
Г-н Дж .: Золотые рыбки? Это не плохая идея. Не могли бы вы мне рассказать о них?
П .: Их не трудно держать вообще-то. Просто надо кормить их в определенные часы и держать воду чистой. Если вы будете присматривать за ними хорошо, они могут прожить долго.
Г-н Дж .: Я думаю, что я возьму одну рыбку и аквариум для неё за Вашу
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