Прочтите информацию о Гансе Рослинге. Почему, по словам доктора Рослинга, «единственный действительно остановить рост мирового населения - это продолжать повышать выживаемость детей до 90 процентов»?
1. i said that i would go there the next day.2. i was sure that kate would have come by the time i arrived .3. he was almost sure he would pass the exam. 4. ann says that she would go to spain next summer.5. i thought she would have done everything by our arrival, but i was wrong.6. she says that she will take english lessons twice a week.7. he said he would have read the book by the time i asked him to give it back.8. we said that by the time she picked us up she would have been driving for two hours.9. i knew his aunt would not lend him any money.10. he asked them if they would take part in that work.11. i know that she will return next week.12. he said that he would have come by 7 o’clock.13. he knew that she would return the next week.14. i knew ann would be packing the next day.15. i am almost sure he will pass his exam.16. he says that he would have come at 7 o’clock.17. she said that she would take english lessons twice a week.18. she says that i'll go there tomorrow.19. he says he will have read the book by the time i ask him to give it back.20. tom said he would come to see us when he was in moscow.21. ann said that she would go to spain the next summer. 22. i thought that you would be late.23. i was sure that after midnight i would sleep .24. he said he will have read the book by the time i have asked him to give it back.25. peter decided he would go to france on holidays.
Пишите.я взяла билет в кассе лодочной компании. на пристани я зашла в магазин и купила воды и печенек. меня посадили в лодку еще с 5-ю такими же туристами. нам выдали снаряжение для подводного плавания. отвезли на необитаемый остров. там мы плавали, купались и загорали. за нами приплыла лодка и отвезла нас обедать на соседний обитаемый остров. мы пообедали, и вернулись обратно. вечером за нами приплыла лодка и забрала нас на большой остров.самое главное правило выживания не потерять билет на лодку.