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11.07.2020 02:19 •  Английский язык

Providing needy people with food is very important.

1. to volunteer / in the zoo / a very good idea - ………………………………………………………….

2. We / to help / poor children / to provide / them with books - …………………………………………

…………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………….

3. They / to take care / of their streets / to pick up / litter - ………………………………………………

…………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………….

4. to make / a poster / my little contribution - ……………………………………………………………..

5. He / to enjoy / to support / needy people - …………………………………………………………….

2) Find the mistakes. Correct the sentences:

1. We asked she to donate some money for charity.

2. Tom needs they to organise a charity fair tomorrow.

3. Parents don`t let him to contribute all his money.

4. She wants I to be a volunteer at the zoo.

5. Mum made me to clean the garden.

3) Fill in the prepositions – at, by, in, for, on, to

1. I want to help ………. organising charity sale.

2. My family always contributes ………. a charity.

3. I`m a volunteer …..….. the local hospital.

4. We support a poor boy ……..… India.

5. Pupils collected money …… needy children from Africa.

6. I think we should donate money …..….. charity projects.

4) Use - some, any, no

1. Are you involved in ……………… charity projects?

2. I have ……………… charity ideas! We can make a difference, too!

3. Sorry, I have ………. money for charity. But I can help by volunteering!

4. Would you like to buy ………… cakes? It would help us to raise money for needy people.

5. Have you got ………… interesting ideas?

5) Find the missing words. Two words are extra.

donates, support, donation, difference, involved, needy, volunteer, charity, providing

1. We like to be ……………………………….. in charity projects of our school.

2. Last week we organised a ………………..……………… run, we raised some money.

3. We always ……………………….…………… at the local nursing home.

4. Tom often ………………………….………….. his old clothes to a charity organisation.

5. My classmates ……………..………………….. needy boy who lives in India.

6. You should help ………………. people by ……………………………….. them with food and clothes.

6) Match three texts with the appropriate titles. One of the titles is extra.

1) My friend is not the best pupil

2)School awards

3) The dream of all my life

4) My friends want to be like me

1. Horse-riding is my life. I go in for horse-riding every Sunday. I want to compete in Olympics. It’s very important for me. I believe that someday I will get some prizes in this kind of sport. I train properly and want to be famous. My mother thinks that I will win the competitions. It’s not so easy to do. But I must do everything to achieve this aim. When we want anything very much our dreams come true.

2. It’s very difficult to show all your talents to other people. I do to a musical school. I think that I play the guitar very well. I often play the guitar in front of a hundred of people. In such situations I am always nervous. I should train more properly to be the best musician at my school. All my friends want to play any musical instruments like me. I believe that if I train harder I will play better.

3. I have got many friends. Most of them are my classmates. There are boys and girls among them. My best friend is Alex. He is not the best pupil at our school. But he likes several subjects in our timetable. These subjects are History and Music. He doesn’t spend much time on doing his homework. Alex thinks that it is very difficult to do it. My mother says that he should try more seriously to get better results. But my friend doesn’t want to work harder

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27.01.2022 06:19

When I was told that I would have English. I immediately thought it would be interesting. And when that moment came, I immediately liked it. And I decided to do this business. I told my mother about this, and my mother said that she was babysitting a tutor for me. And it was also interesting for me to go to the tutor. And I took a textbook for myself and learned new words. And I had a dream that when I grow up I will go to England. I told the teacher about this and he said that if I am a good student, then I will go to England. I grew up and took a plane to England


Когда мне сказали что у меня будет английский язык. Я сразу подумал что это будет интересно. И когда этот момент настал, мне сразу понравилось. И я решил заниматься этим делом. Я рассказал об этом маме, и мама сказа что нянет на меня репититора. И мне тоже было интересно пойти к репититору. И я для себя брал учебник и учил новые слова. И у меня была мечта что когда я вырасту я поеду в англию. Я рассказал об этом учителю и он сказал что если я буду хорошо учится то тогда я поеду в англию. Я вырос и полетел на самолёте в англию

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27.01.2022 13:18
A.A. Blok was born into an intelligentsia family, his grandfather was the rector of St. Petersburg University. Having received a gymnasium, and then a university education, Blok is engaged in drama, journalism. Publishes the first collections: "City" (1904), "Snow Mask" (1907). The combination of mysticism and reality becomes a feature of Blok's symbolism. The poet was married to Mendeleev's daughter. He dedicated the collection Poems about a Beautiful Lady (1902) to her. But, despite the lofty attitude towards his wife, Blok had affairs on the side; the wife "responded" in kind.

After the death of his father in 1909, he traveled to Europe several times. Since the beginning of World War II, Blok serves in the Zemstvo construction unit, in Belarus. The poet enthusiastically accepts the overthrow of the autocracy and enthusiastically - the October Revolution. Great historical events are consonant with the mood of his soul: the poet perceives what happened as an element of cosmic proportions.

The propaganda of the Bolsheviks skillfully uses the authority of the Bloc. He is entrusted with the chairmanship of many commissions and institutions. The loud name of the poet gives weight to the ongoing revolutionary transformations. It is not without excesses: in 1919 he was under investigation by the Cheka for several days.

After the revolutionary poem "The Twelve", which served as the reason for his break with the liberal intelligentsia, Blok hardly writes. Almost all the time is spent on political activities. In addition, harsh living conditions and a hungry ration negatively affect health.

In 1921, Blok's inflammatory process of the cardiovascular system aggravated. The Soviet government issued permission to leave too late, and on August 21, 1921, the great Russian Symbolist died in his Petrograd apartment. Сори меньше не получилось тут самое важное
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