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28.04.2022 13:58 •  Английский язык

Purcell was a small, fussy' man; red cheeks and a tight melon- like stomach. Large glasses so magnified his eyes as to give him the appearance of a wise and kind owl. He owned a pet shop. He sold cats and dogs and monkeys; he dealt in fish food and bird seed, prescribed remedies for ailing canaries, on his shelves there were long rows of cages. He considered himself something of a professional man.

There was a constant stir of life in his shop. The customers who came in said:

"Aren't they cute'! Look at that little monkey! They're sweet."

And Mr. Purcell himself would smile and rub his hands and nod his head.

Each morning, when the routine of opening his shop was completed, it was the proprietor's custom to perch on a high stool, behind the counter, unfold his morning paper, and digest the day's news.

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Caged by L.E. Reeve

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It was a raw, wintry day. Wind gusted against the high, plate glass windows. Having completed his usual tasks, Mr. Purceil again mounted the high stool and unfolded his morning paper. He adjusted his glasses, and glanced at the day's headlines.

There was a bell over the door that rang whenever a customer entered. This morning, however, for the first time Mr. Purcell could recall, it failed to ring. Simply he glanced up, and there was the stranger, standing just inside the door, as if he had materialized out of thin air.

The storekeeper slid off his stool. From the first instant he knew instinctively, that the man hated him; but out of habit he rubbed his hands, smiled and nodded.

"Good morning," he beamed. "What can I do for you?"

The man's shiny shoes squeaked forward. His suit was cheap, ill-fitting, but obviously new. Ignoring Purcell for the moment, he looked around the shadowy shop.

"A nasty morning," volunteered the shopkeeper. He clasped both hands across his melon like stomach, and smiled importantly. Now what was it you wanted?"

The man stared closely at Purcell, as though just now aware of his presence. He said, "I want something in a cage."

"Something in a cage?" Mr. Purcell was a bit confused. "You mean – some sort of pet?"

"I mean what I said!" snapped' the man. "Something in a cage. Something alive that's in a cage."

"I see," hastened the storekeeper, not at all certain that he did. "Now let me think. A white rat, perhaps? I have some very nice white rats."

"No! Not rats. Something with wings. Something that flies."

"A bird!" exclaimed Mr. Purcell.

"A bird's all right." The customer pointed suddenly to a cage which contained two snowy birds. "Doves? How much for those?"

"Five-fifty," came the prompt answer. "And a very reasonable price. They are a fine pair."

"Five-fifty?" The man was obviously disappointed. He produced a five-dollar bill. "I'd like to have those birds. But this is all I've got. Just five dollars."

Mentally, Mr. Purcell made a quick calculation, which told him that at a fifty cent reduction he could still reap a tidy profit. He smiled kindly "My dear man, if you want them that badly, you can certainly have them for five dollars."

"I'll take them." He laid his five dollars on the counter. Mr. Purcell unhooked the cage, and handed it to his customer. "That noise!" The man said suddenly. "Doesn't it get on your nerves?"

"Noise? What noise?" Mr. Purcell looked surprised. He could hear nothing unusual.

"Listen." The staring eyes came closer. "How long d'you think it took me to make that five dollars?"

The merchant wanted to order him out of the shop. But oddly enough, he couldn't. He heard himself asking, "Why – why, how long did it take you?"

The other laughed. "Ten years! At hard labour. Ten years to earn five dollars. Fifty cents a year."

It was best, Purcell decided, to humor him. "My, my! Ten years. That's certainly a long time. Now"

"They give you five dollars," laughed the man, "and a cheap suit, and tell you not to get caught again."

The man swung around, and stalked abruptly from the store.

ответить на вопросы
1. What is the type of narration in the text?
2. How many logical parts can you define in the text? Give short description of these parts.
3. Who are the main characters in the text? Give short character sketch of them.
4. What are the themes presented in the text?
5. What does the title indicate about the theme of the text? Does it foreshadow the content of the text?
6. What is the central idea of the text?
7. Give your attitude to the ideas expressed in the text. (Did you like the text? Why/Why not? What is your attitude to the characters’ behavior and actions?)

Показать ответ
30.05.2020 21:16

ответ: Task 2: 1) Doesn't say. 2) True. 3) Doesn't say. 4) True.

Скажите что за текст мне надо написать

Такой?: I agree with everything this article said. People should acknowledge the fact that they are responsible for other people's wellbeing too. Sadly, many people don't want to know the truth and try to change this world for better. We need more conscientious people in our world. We also need to spread this information and remind people of this reality.

Поправка: я только щас понял что могу поменять ответ

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30.05.2020 21:16

Gennady Gennadievich Golovkin. Was born on April 8, 1982 in Karaganda. Kazakh professional boxer. Gennady Golovkin was born on April 8, 1982 in Karaganda in the family of a miner. Father - Gennady Ivanovich - worked at the mine all his life. He started as a mining foreman, graduated as a chief engineer of the Karagandinskaya mine. Golovkin's father died in February 2014. Mother - Elizaveta Sergeevna - worked as a laboratory assistant in a chemical laboratory. He has a twin brother Maxim. Golovkin had two more brothers, but they died in the army under unclear circumstances: Vadim died in 1990, Sergei - in 1994. Gennady and Maxim went to boxing together at the age of 8. We studied at Karaganda vocational school # 1, their first coach was Viktor Konstantinovich Dmitriev. The first coach of Golovkin said: "Gendos and his brother Maxim stood out from the crowd. They were spirited, stubborn and hardworking. The first two or three years I did not let them into the ring at all. Only tactical training and physical education. We played football, basketball, and other games. Three years later, when they had already grown up, I took them to the national championship among youths. Here they gave a heat. Everyone was shocked, they asked me: “Where did you get them from?” And I say: “How from where? ? From Maikuduk ". And then off we go, victories one after another" (Maikuduk - Karaganda region - stuki-druki.com). Gennady Golovkin in childhood.


Геннадий Головкин родился 8 апреля 1982 года в Караганде в семье шахтера. Отец - Геннадий Иванович - всю жизнь проработал на шахте. Началинал с горного мастера, закончил главным инженером шахты "Карагандинская". Отец Головкина умер в феврале 2014 года. Мать - Елизавета Сергеевна - работала лаборантом в химической лаборатории. У него есть брат-двойняшка Максим. У Головкина было еще два брата, но они погибли в армии при невыясненных обстоятельствах: Вадим погиб в 1990 году, Сергей - в 1994-м. На бокс Геннадий и Максим пошли вместе в возрасте 8 лет. Занимались в карагандинской профессиональной школе №1, их первым тренером был Виктор Константинович Дмитриев. Первый тренер Головкина рассказывал: "Гендос со своим братом Максимом выделялись из всей массы. Были духовитые, упертые и трудолюбивые. Первые два-три года я не выпускал их на ринг вообще. Только тактическая подготовка и физкультура. Играли в футбол, баскетбол, другие игровые виды. Спустя три года, когда они уже подросли, я повез их на чемпионат страны среди юношей. Вот они там дали жару. Все были в шоке, у меня спрашивают: "Откуда ты их взял?". А я говорю: "Как откуда? Из Майкудука". А потом пошло-поехало, победы одна за другой"

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