Put questions to the sentence put questions to the sentence somebody plays the piano every morning. 1. generel question 2. special question 3. disjunctive question 4. alternative question 5. question to the subject
1. general question – Does somebody play the piano every morning? 2. special question – When does somebody play the piano? 3. disjunctive question – Somebody plays the piano every morning, don't they? 4. alternative question – Does somebody play the piano or the violin every morning? 5. question to the subject – Who plays the piano every morning?
1. general question – Does anybody play the piano every morning? 2. special question – When does anybody play the piano? 3. disjunctive question – Somebody plays the piano every morning, don't they? 4. alternative question – Does anybody play the piano or the guitar every morning? Does anybody play the piano every morning or evening? 5. question to the subject – Who plays the piano every morning?
2. special question – When does somebody play the piano?
3. disjunctive question – Somebody plays the piano every morning, don't they?
4. alternative question – Does somebody play the piano or the violin every morning?
5. question to the subject – Who plays the piano every morning?
2. special question – When does anybody play the piano?
3. disjunctive question – Somebody plays the piano every morning, don't they?
4. alternative question – Does anybody play the piano or the guitar every morning?
Does anybody play the piano every morning or evening?
5. question to the subject – Who plays the piano every morning?