Put the time phrases in the correct place in the sentences.
1 play football at school. (often)
2 Do you play chess? (in the evenings)
3 Dad washes his car (at the weekend)
4 He goes shopping. (on Saturdays)
5 Rosie and Katie practise their dance. (every day)
6 Paul enters competitions. (never)
Сегодня я хочу познакомить вас с необычной, только появляющийся на рынке пижамой! Она имеет слитую форму в виде различных животных: от крокодила и кролика до единорога и знаменитых героев мультфильмов. Её ткань приятная на ощупь, имеет тëплый, согревающий эффект — в холодные зимние вечера пижама будет согревать вас не хуже одеяла. Цветовая гамма разнообразная, можно сделать специально для вас в случае заказа у представленных моделей другой цвет. А некоторые дополнения в виде капюшона, ушек или мягкого шипастого хвоста станут приятным бонусом для детского подарка!
1. Frank showed me photos of his family and I showed mine.
2. I spent my day doing shopping and Jane spent hers in the swimming-pool.
3. We described our adventures to Mr. Harris and he told about his.
4. They didn't know that was your car. They were surprised to know that it's yours.
5. I returned them my key. Their granny told the key was theirs.
6. Has she found your pen? If not, you can use mine then.
7. We don't need his help he didn't accept ours.
8. Dogs are my favorite animals and what are yours?
9. She took my hands into hers and smiled at me.
10. We gave our passes to the guard. He gave me my pass back but didn't return Bob his.