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22.02.2022 20:54 •  Английский язык

Рішіть будь ласка контроль читання з англійської мови
Reading comprehension
Read the text and do the tasks.
Miles Wakefield hurried up to get to the house of this Arnold Blair. Blair's advertisement was published in all the daily papers and he was sure that others had seen it too. Blair had a Balzarini for sale and he was selling it cheaply. The price was only $75. Miles couldn't afford to miss such a wonderful chance. He knew he could sell it later with profit. Balzarini, of course, was no great master, but his sunny landscapes caused admiration.
He had to ring at least three times before the door was opened by a boy of about 16. There was something strange about this boy. He looked upset. Miles had the feeling the boy wanted to tell him something, but could not make himself do so. Before the boy could make up his mind, a deep voice was heard from somewhere in the house, "Who is it, Davey?"
Miles followed the boy into a small living room. A tall, white-haired man rose from his chair as Miles and Davey entered. Miles saw at once that the man was blind.
"I think you want to set to our business?"
"I don't object, 1 hear you have a Balzarini".
"All right, Davey, you are free for some time".
It was clear that the old man didn't want the boy to hear them discuss the agreement." It's my last hope", said the old man " I had refused to sell the picture many times, until now. It's too dear to me. But I need money. Come, it's in the next room".
Miles followed the old man into the next room. A second later Davey joined them.
"There!" said the old man. "My Balzarini!"
He showed to the opposite wall. Hanging there was a plain black frame. Behind the glass there was nothing. Miles caught the boy's look. It was full of sadness.
"A beautiful canvas, isn't it?" continued the old man. "You'll buy it".
Miles swallowed hard. "Why ... I don't think I can afford to buy it, it's too expensive. I supposed to spend about fifty". The empty frame was taken down, wrapped in a piece of paper and handed to Miles. When Miles had gone with the empty frame under his arm the boy and the grandfather returned to the room where the frame had hung. The boy went to a box in the corner, took out another empty frame, and hung it where the first had been. Then the old man and the boy sat down and began to wait. They were completely ready for the next art dealer.
Tasks A. Match:

1. advertisement was published
2. to sell with profit
3. looked upset
4. was blind
5. a beautiful canvas
6. refused to sell
a) продати вигідніше
b) чудове полотно
c) виглядав розчарованим
d) відмовлявся продати
e) був сліпий
f) реклама була надрукована

В. Finish the sentences.
1. Miles Wakefield hurried up the house of Arnold Blair because ...
a) he wanted to be the first to see a beautiful canvas by Balzarini;
b) he wanted not to miss a chance to admire sunny landscapes of a great
c) he was afraid somebody could have sought it, he could miss a chance to buy a picture.
2. The boy of about 16 who looked ... opened the door.
a) upset;
b) disappointed;
c) excited.
3. The old blind man showed he ...
a) didn't want the boy to disturb them during their conversation;
b) didn't want the boy to hear them discuss the agreement;
c) didn't want to discuss the agreement with somebody else.
4. In the next room on the wall... was hanging.
a) a plain black frame with Balzarini work behind the glass;
b) a plain black frame with a beautiful landscape behind the glass;
c) a plain black frame with nothing behind the glass.
5. The empty frame was taken down and ...
a) wrapped in a piece of paper and put aside;
b) wrapped in a piece of paper and handed to Miles;
c) wrapped in a piece of paper and handed to a boy.
6. Arnold Blair managed to sell a "picture" because ...
a) he was very witty and inventive;
b) he was clever and unhappy;
c) he was Balzarini's grandson.

Показать ответ
27.09.2020 18:54

ответ:100 words 20 minutes 2.5 minutes 1.7 minutes

125 words 25 minutes 3.1 minutes 2.1 minutes

250 words 50 minutes 6.3 minutes 4.2 minutes

500 words 100 minutes 12.5 minutes 8.3 minutes

600 words 120 minutes 15.0 minutes 10.0 minutes

750 words 150 minutes 18.8 minutes 12.5 minutes

800 words 160 minutes 20.0 minutes 13.3 minutes

1,000 words 200 minutes 25.0 minutes 16.7 minutes

1,500 words 300 minutes 37.5 minutes 25.0 minutes

2,000 words 400 minutes 50.0 minutes 33.3 minutes

2,500 words 500 minutes 62.5 minutes 41.7 minutes

3,000 words 600 minutes 75.0 minutes 50.0 minutes

3,500 words 700 minutes 87.5 minutes 58.3 minutes

4,000 words 800 minutes 100.0 minutes 66.7 minutes

5,000 words 1,000 minutes 125.0 minutes 83.3 minutes

7,500 words 1,500 minutes 187.5 minutes 125.0 minutes

10,000 words 33.3 hours 250.0 minutes 166.7 minutes

20,000 words 66.7 hours 8.3 hours 333.3 minutes

25,000 words 83.3 hours 10.4 hours 416.7 minutes

30,000 words 100.0 hours 12.5 hours 8.3 hours

50,000 words 166.7 hours 20.8 hours 13.9 hours

75,000 words 250.0 hours 31.3 hours 20.8 hours

100,000 words 333.3 hours 41.7 hours 27.8 hours


0,0(0 оценок)
18.06.2022 15:12

1. He said that he would go to the cinema tomorrow.

2. They said that they hadn't seen me yesterday.

3. I said that I was reading that book then.

4. He said that they could run very quickly.

5. We asked if he/she lived there.

6. She asked if I had done my homework.

7. I asked them why we should go there in 3 days.

8. They asked me where I had been yesterday.

9. He asked me how I was going to do it.

10. The teacher said to close our books.

11. I asked him/her/them to help me.

12.  They said not to push the door.

13. We asked them not to speak so loudly.

14. She said that we shouldn't do it.

15. He said that they had watched that film a week ago.

0,0(0 оценок)
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