ответ: o'zbekistonning eng yaxshi sportchilaridan biri fazliddin g'aybnazarov. u 1991 yil 16 iyunda tashent shahri yaqinidagi bekobod shahrida tug'ilgan. ushbu bokschi 2012 yildan beri ko'plab xalqaro musobaqalarda g'olib chiqqan. 2016 yilda rio olimpikada oltin medalni qo'lga kiritgan. u kongo, hindiston, aqsh, rossiya va ozarbayjon bokschilarini mag'lubiyatga uchratdi va nihoyat oltin medalni qo'lga kiritdi. gaibnazarovning navbatdagi jangi 2018 yil 12 may kuni madison square garden-da bo'lib o'tdi. uning raqibi meksikalik bokschi jesus silvera bo'ldi. jang g'aybnazarovning nokautidan keyin 4-raundda yakunlandi. shuningdek, u silveyrani to'xtatgan birinchi bokschi bo'ldi
international match-halqaro musobaqa(match)
gold medal-oltin medal
defeated-g'alaba qozondi
qaysi so'zlar siz uchun yangiligini bilmaganim uchun shularni yozdim
a farm is a quiet, peaceful place outside the city, which is a perfect place for rest.. a farmer lives on the farm. he feeds and cleans his animals. on the farm you can see a lot of animals: dogs, cows, hens, sheep, horses. you can see also a dog and a cat. on the farm there is a farm house. near the house there is a big garden. in the garden there are a lot of apple trees and other fruit trees. however it is very hard to manage with the farm. everyday you have carry your animals to wash them and feed. and also to water the gardens. but in our world there are a lot of farms. farmers supply meat, fruits, corns, grains and so on. without farmers the life would be complicated.
ответ: o'zbekistonning eng yaxshi sportchilaridan biri fazliddin g'aybnazarov. u 1991 yil 16 iyunda tashent shahri yaqinidagi bekobod shahrida tug'ilgan. ushbu bokschi 2012 yildan beri ko'plab xalqaro musobaqalarda g'olib chiqqan. 2016 yilda rio olimpikada oltin medalni qo'lga kiritgan. u kongo, hindiston, aqsh, rossiya va ozarbayjon bokschilarini mag'lubiyatga uchratdi va nihoyat oltin medalni qo'lga kiritdi. gaibnazarovning navbatdagi jangi 2018 yil 12 may kuni madison square garden-da bo'lib o'tdi. uning raqibi meksikalik bokschi jesus silvera bo'ldi. jang g'aybnazarovning nokautidan keyin 4-raundda yakunlandi. shuningdek, u silveyrani to'xtatgan birinchi bokschi bo'ldi
international match-halqaro musobaqa(match)
gold medal-oltin medal
defeated-g'alaba qozondi
qaysi so'zlar siz uchun yangiligini bilmaganim uchun shularni yozdimp.s. я знаю и узбекский!
man ruscha hamda o'zbekchani bilaman!
a farm is a quiet, peaceful place outside the city, which is a perfect place for rest.. a farmer lives on the farm. he feeds and cleans his animals. on the farm you can see a lot of animals: dogs, cows, hens, sheep, horses. you can see also a dog and a cat. on the farm there is a farm house. near the house there is a big garden. in the garden there are a lot of apple trees and other fruit trees. however it is very hard to manage with the farm. everyday you have carry your animals to wash them and feed. and also to water the gardens. but in our world there are a lot of farms. farmers supply meat, fruits, corns, grains and so on. without farmers the life would be complicated.