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14.02.2022 23:58 •  Английский язык

Read and translate the text.
1. Leisure is time spent in non-compulsory activities. Because leisure time is free from compulsory activities such as work, study, household duties, eating and sleeping, it is often referred to as 'free time'. The ideas of leisure and leisure time are thought to have emerged in the late 19th century with the rise of mechanized industry, when the increase in productivity of labour resulted in the fact that workers had some time to spend on themselves.
They started doing sports and visiting theatres. Since then the idea of leisure time and relaxation has been popular with all the age groups and social classes. Old and young, rich and poor have been using their free time for rest and entertainment. The ways people spend their leisure time normally differ according to the age group: middle-aged and old people normally prefer more passive kind of rest like watching TV or going to the theatre, or sometimes gardening, younger people enjoy more active pastimes like doing extreme sports, visiting night clubs and discos or travelling. However, the idea of active leisure like doing sports or travelling is gaining popularity with the older people, too.
So the basic leisure time activities of the young are travelling, doing sports including extreme sports, visiting discos and night clubs or more passive ways of recreation like listening to music or watching TV and videos, and surfing the Internet. Teenagers normally prefer to do extreme sports, that is sports featuring speed, height and danger as they lead to the so-called 'adrenaline rush9 in participants. They wish to push themselves to the limits of their physical ability and fear, and push the boundaries of a particular sport, such as bungee jumping, climbing, white-water rafting, surfing, windsurfing and many others. Their tastes in music are normally different kinds of popular music associated with youth subcultures, such as hard rock, hip-hop or rap, punk rock, psychedelic rock and the like. In watching TV and videos or going to the cinema, they prefer film genres which are full of action, movement, colour, cinema effects and have a good soundtrack. They normally like action films, comedies, musicals, thrillers and cartoons.
Sometimes the ways young people spend their free time varies according to the country, as they sometimes depend on national traditions. For example, in the USA young people normally like different types of popular culture which originated in their country like blues, different kinds of rock, country music and hip hop in music and pop art in fine arts. The sports they are doing are more often than not those which originated in America like baseball, auto-racing, basketball, and board-based recreational sports — surfboarding, skateboarding and snowboarding. American youngsters are fond of eating out and eat a lot of junk food like hambuigers and cheeseburgers and drink Coca-cola or Pepsi. British youngsters are really fond of watching football matches and sorts of races such as horse-racing, boat-racing and even dog-racing, as well as playing football, rugby and golf and taking part in races. They are really fond of pets and often spend some time in the evening taking their dog for a walk. In going out for the evening, they still prefer pubs to restaurants, bars and cafes. In music, their tastes are nearly the same as those of their American peers. In Germany young people prefer drinking beer when meeting their friends and spending much time doing various sports. In Spain many youngsters, as well as older people, are fond of watching bullfighting. In France they like listening to French chanson.
2. Learn the new words from the text.
3. 3Answer the questions:
a) Why leasure time is often referred to as 'free time'?
b) When did the ideas of leisure and leisure time appear?
c) What are the basic leisure time activities of the young?
d) What are the ways young people spend their free time?
e) How does national traditions influence our leasure time?
4. Put your own headings to the paragraphs.
5. Make a list of free time activities you find most interesting.

Показать ответ
23.08.2022 04:37
1. The highest skyscrapers in Chicago.

2.In most countries drive on the right. (drive on the right side)

3. I usually buy the newspaper on the way to work

4.She spends all day sitting at the window and watching what is happening on the street.

5. I read about the accident on the first page of the newspaper

6.Usually we use the front entrance, but there is another entrance behind the building.

7.Office of the Minister Boyle on the third floor on the left.

8.Do not allow children to play outside

9. my mother gets up very early, she works in the field

10. She doesn't have time to lie in bed or look in the mirror
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12.03.2023 06:47
The letter in his house, his own dialogue as servant and the dialogue of the woman/his wife? in his house suggest his name is Gajus.His wooden puppets show knowledge about the Cycle. Is there any more meaning to them? They seem like scenes from other peoples lifes in some cases.He talks about the Cycle and calls himself fleshless observer.He is in contact with someone as powerful and immortal as himself, through his letters. Who is this other person?The dialogue of the wife suggests that he is waiting for something, maybe an end to the Cycles, a world where they can live happily.He seems to know about your identity and could have told you directly how the Cleansing would happen, but chose not to. Maybe he has tried exactly that in the past and it didn't change anything. He even helps you along the path, by giving you the Word of the Dead.From his letter: "Pride was my downfall." What happened to him? What did he do? Was he a Prophet as well, that could only survive the Cleansing and saved only his wife, who is not immortal?One of the lead game developers said, he thought, the Aged Man's identity would be pretty obvious, if you listened to the dialogue, read his letter and looked at his wooden puppets.

What do you make of it? Is he a Prophet of a past Cycle? Is he a higher being like the mysterious woman? Has he something to do with the creation of the Cycle? Who is older, he or the Machine/Black Guardian?

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