Read the article again and make notes untes the following headinds, then talk about daryl hannah
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the pretty mermaid looked up from
the golden sand and the world fell in love
with her. the film was splash, and the
mermaid was the famous actress, daryl
hannah, who has also starred in such
films as roxanne and blade runner.
daryl is tall and slender. she has got
long blonde hair, large blue eyes and
stunning features. she looks fantastic in
expensive clothes, but she prefers casual
clothes which show off her natural
she is more than just another pretty
face, however. she is a complicated
person whose character has many sides.
she is often in the public eye, but she is
actually a very shy person, who dislikes
the crowds and noise of hollywood
parties. her shyness is a problem, which
she is trying to overcome with her friends’
help. she is not the sort of person who
expects help without giving anything
back, however. daryl is an extremely
caring person, and she says that she
forgets her own problems when she is
helping others. she is also a romantic
who believes in true love, so she wants to
find someone very special before she
starts a family.
daryl's lifestyle is quite simple. when
she is not working, her favourite activities
are gardening, playing the piano and
making pottery, all of which reveal the
creative side of her character.
daryl may prefer to sit in the shadows
at parties, but when it comes to her
beliefs, she is not afraid to speak her
mind. she has strong views on the
environment. she believes that our
modern lifestyle is destroying the
environment. for this reason, she is
currently looking for a place in the
countryside where she can build an
environmentally-friendly house. she
says that she feels most relaxed when she
is close to nature.
underneath the success, shyness and
simple lifestyle are daryl's very strong
views on life. as she says, "find out what
is important to you — and don't be afraid
to live it! "
it is a pleasure to meet an actress who
remains down-to-earth and sincere in a
world where fame and success can often
harm one’s character.
. !
In our time, information plays a very important role. Its media is the press, but simply a newspaper. It publishes various news, from food to world politics. Now you rarely see a person in the hands of a newspaper, now all the press is in phones and other gadgets.
в наше время очень большую роль играет информация. Ее же носители является пресса, а по простому газета. Там публикуются разные новости, начиная с еды заканчивая мировой политикой. Сейчас редко встретишь человека в руках с газетой, сейчас вся пресса находится в телефонах и остальных гаджетах
Одно было ясно: пираты проглядели. Сильвер со своей командой должны были быть возле двери бревенчатого дома, как я в тот момент.
В доме было совсем темно, так что мне ничего не удалось разглядеть. Однако я слышал человеческий храп и тихий, ни на что не похожий звук. С вытянутыми вперёд руками я вошёл в дом. ''Я прилягу в своём местечке,'' — подумал я, улыбнувшись, и двинулся в темноту.
''Какие у них будут лица, когда они увидят меня поутру ". Стопой я споткнулся обо что-то — это была чья-то нога. Во сне он покачнулся, но не проснулся. И вдруг странный голос раздался в тьме.
''Пиастры! Пиастры! Пиастры! Пиастры!".
Зелёный попугай Сильвера, Капитан Флинт! Вот источник того странного шума. Так это была птица! Она оказалась лучшим дозорным, чем целая команда. У меня не было времени прийти в себя. Пираты услышали попугая, немедля проснувшись. Затем Джон Сильвер жутким голосом произнёс:
"Кто здесь?"
Я было собрался бежать, но слишком поздно.
"Принеси свечу, Дик" — сказал Сильвер.