Read the story and decide if these sentences are True or False.
“Unhealthy Breakfast”
Jack is a bachelor. He works in downtown Chicago as a shoe salesman. Every morning on his way to work, Jack stops at a donut shop and buys a chocolate donut and a cup of coffee. Jack likes this morning routine because it is quick and easy. He does not have to cook breakfast or wash the dishes. Last time Jack went to the doctor for a check-up, his doctor told him that he had high cholesterol. The doctor told Jack to stop eating foods that are high in fat. Donuts are fried in a lot of fat.
1. Jack is a shoe clerk in downtown Chicago.
2. Jack buys a chocolate donut for his wife too.
3. Jack has to cook breakfast and wash the dishes.
4. Jack went to the doctor to do only a blood test on cholesterol.
5. The doctor told Jack to stop eating fatty foods.
6. Donuts are healthy because they are fried in fat.
Майкл Фарадей - один из великих ученых в истории человечества в области электричества. Он родился в маленькой деревне вблизи Лондона 11 сентября 1 791 года в бедной семье. Его семья жила впроголодь. В возрасте 13 лет Майкл пошел работать в переплетный магазин, потому что не получил образования. Некоторые научные работы и статьи, которые через его руки, возбудили интерес к науке, и он начал читать. Спустя некоторое время Майкл стал учеником великого ученого того времени, сэра Хамфри Дэйви. Мальчик сопровождал Дэйви в поездках по Европе. Образовательная ценность этих поездок была велика. Фарадей встретил Ампера, одного из выдающихся ученых, который уже сделал себе имя в истории электричества.
Today almost all the electricity we use generated by great machines with magnets in them, but in those days no one knew how to it. That's why the English scientist danced with delight on his table when he got what he wanted by moving the magnet near wire. This was a great moment in the history of man's electrical experiments. But Faraday didn't stop at this.