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14.03.2022 21:04 •  Английский язык

Read the text and match each paragraph including the introduction with its heading (1-6). It is necessary to prove your choice of the heading with some key words or key phrases from the text in brackets. You can use each heading once. There is one extra heading.

1. Fewer worries than today

2. Looking after the horses

3. Bonding as a team

4. This is a man’s world

5. Under pressure from the job – and the outfit!

6. A history lesson

(Introduction) In a country house In Edwardian Ensland', life would have been very different indeed for the family members and the servants. In a smooth-runnins household, the servants were supposed to be out of sisht and out of mind. Strict rules told them when to set up, bathe and eat, who to speak to and how to dress. To see what life was really like in a country house in Edwardian Ensiand, 19 people took roles as family members and servants for a reality show. Here’s what some of the participants had to say after three months of life upstairs and downstairs.

(Para A) Laura "Within hours of entering the house, we were living as if we were truly Edwardians - whether the cameras were around or not. As a member of the family, there wasn’t a lot for me to do. We went horse-riding and had singing lessons; despite the fact that I can’t hit a note, within a few minutes the tutor had got me to feel confident so I was very pleased with that. One thing that I really didn’t like was the loss of my freedom. A woman was the possession of her father or husband and I had to stay in the background and learn how to be very quiet. I actually found myself feeling very angry on behalf of Edwardian women who had to live their whole lives that way! It was a great experience, but I’m glad to be back in the 21st century with all my comforts!”

(Para B) Sheila “To begin with, I found it quite difficult in my role as housekeeper. The emotional stress was the biggest shock to me. Having to organise 19 people was really challenging at times. I had to be very strict, but I found that it wasn’t in my nature. It wasn’t easy for the maids, either. Perhaps it was easier in those days; the girls that I was in charge of were intelligent young people who had studied and travelled whereas 100 years ago they would have been girls from the village who would have been overjoyed to get any job. One of the worst things about it all was the uncomfortable uniform. I could hardly breathe as the corset I was wearing was so tight! I enjoyed doing the orders, the bookkeeping and the stocktaking so that we wouldn’t run out of anything - the business management side of things. Overall, I liked being in that big house and in the later weeks, I even made some friends.”

(Para C) John “We didn’t have a clue about what we were supposed to do at the start. I was in the role of second footman, which involved polishing boots and silver and carrying huge trays of dinner behind the first footman, with whom I had to share a small room. The pressure intensified when one kitchen maid quit after just two days. With another job to cover, we worked without time off. I found it difficult to get used to being ordered around by the butler. He strictly enforced all the Edwardian codes - we weren’t even allowed to talk at dinner, - but by the end, the house was like a well-oiled machine. In a strange way, being a servant made life easier. My meals were cooked for me, my clothes were washed and I didn’t have to worry about paying bills. All I had to think about was the needs of the family upstairs. Even though I wouldn’t want to do this again, it gave me a taste of the past.”
(Para D) Helen “I didn’t have any contact with the family upstairs, but being in the kitchen was great. I’ll always remember the nights when all the staff used to sit up chatting after work. We were all tired and we knew we’d have to get up really early the next morning well before the family rose, but the conversations were so engrossing - we were like one big happy family. There were downsides, though. I didn’t enjoy others telling me what to do just because they were in a higher position and the other thing I didn’t like was just having one bath a week. I was working for 16 hours a day, washing-up or mopping and getting my hands wet; as a result, my skin became all cracked; my hands were filthy all the time and my nails all broke off. I think the whole experience made me more confident, but when it was over I realised how much I’d been looking forward to a Sunday meal and not having to get up and work afterwards.”

Introduction –

Para A –

Para B –

Para C –

Para D –

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24.07.2020 12:43

вот перевод


Хан Шатыр, Казахстан Кристалл - Великобритания

Рядом с водами Темзы находится

Хан Шатыр расположен в Астане, это современный торговый и

замечательное сооружение - Кристалл. Он был разработан

развлекательный центр, где широкий выбор покупок и развлечений

от Wilkinson Eyre Architects и открылась в 2012 году.

деятельность находится под одной крышей. Он был разработан архитектором Норманом.

В нем есть выставка по устойчивому развитию, где

Фостер и был открыт в 2010 году. Сегодня это один из главных

посетителям предоставляется возможность изучить проблемы


например, энергия, вода и окружающая среда.

Имитирует шатровую конструкцию юрты.

, обеспечивая постоянное напоминание

«Кристалл» - самое экологичное здание в

городским казахам корнями уходящими в степь. Но это не все!

Лондон. Он покрыт солнечными панелями, которые обеспечивают

Хан Шатыр - одно из самых экологически чистых построек в мире.

Он снабжен прозрачным покрытием,

все электричество и инженеры установили

специальные трубы, которые хранят дополнительную энергию под землей.

поддерживать постоянную теплую температуру

Он также производит 90% собственной воды путем сбора

внутри при любой погоде. Его строители имеют

дождевая вода и сточные воды. Кристалл отличный

также разработала его отличительную форму

пример того, как была сделана современная архитектура

выдерживают сильный ветер. Это

работать с природой, чтобы планету.

уникальная структура для всех

виды погоды!


Работать в парах. Сравнивать и противопоставлять

два здания в текстах. Используйте простое настоящее, простое и

представляют совершенные активные и пассивные формы.

О: Оба здания экологически чистые.

B: Это правда. Хан Шатыр находится в Астане, Казахстан, а Хрустальный

находится в Лондоне, Великобритания

0,0(0 оценок)
21.04.2022 14:29

ответ:Probably, there is no person in the world who would not have a favorite pastime, no matter what it is connected with - singing, drawing, embroidery or photography. Hobbies are the best pastime.

Probably, there is no person in the world who would not have a favorite pastime, no matter what it is connected with - singing, drawing, embroidery or photography. Hobbies are the best pastime.I like to be constantly on the move. In winter I skate, I like to participate in skiing competitions. In the summer I ride a bike, we can ride a bike with friends on it into the forest, in which the horizontal bar is made, on it we tumble and pull ourselves up. There are boys and girls in our company. The general passion for sports brings us together.

0,0(0 оценок)
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