Read the text "Road safety".
Advice, Information & Resources
Roads are essential to our everyday lives. We all use them in some way, by driving, riding, walking or travelling as a passenger, and we depend on them to obtain goods and services.
Unfortunately, this comes at a price, which includes people being killed and injured. However, road deaths and injuries are not inevitable. The last few decades have demonstrated that effective and comprehensive road safety strategies can reduce the number of people killed or injured on the road, despite increasing traffic levels.
Great Britain now has one of the best road safety records in the world - but with around five people still dying on Britain's roads every day there is much more to be done.
Road Safety Conferences, Awards and Talks
The RoSPA Road Safety Department in collaboration with RoSPA's Events Team, stage an annual road safety update event. Bringing together researchers, practitioners and policy makers, it has been a key fixture on the calendar for nearly 80 years. Departmental staff also give numerous talks and presentations throughout the year, documentation from these talks is also accessible here.
In addition, The RoSPA MORR (Management of Occupational Road Risk) Award gives recognition to an organisation's fleet safety performance.
Match the parts. Write only the number without any punctuation:
The first part:
1. We all use them in some way, by driving, riding,
2. The RoSPA Road Safety Department in collaboration with RoSPA's Events Team, stage an annual road
3. In addition, The RoSPA MORR (Management of Occupational Road Risk) Award gives recognition to an
The second part:
1) our everyday lives.
2) them to obtain goods and services.
3) walking or travelling as a passenger, and we depend on them to obtain goods and services.
4) includes people being killed and injured.
5) are not inevitable.
6) injured on the road, despite increasing traffic levels.
7) but with around five people still dying on Britain's roads every day there is much more to be done.
8) safety update event.
9) been a key fixture on the calendar for nearly 80 years.
10) talks is also accessible here.
11) documentation from these talks is also accessible here.
12) organisation's fleet safety performance.
Любимая игрушка моей мамы это калейдоскоп. Она всегда брала его на прогулки и смотрела в него. Когда она его переварачивала там складывали красивые картинки. Моя бабушка всегда ругала её потому что она тоскала его везде и могла разбить. И до сих пор когда моя мама видит её в магазине разглядывать его с интересом.