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Read the text. The lion and the mouse.
A lion is sleeping in his den. A mouse runs
into the lion's den, jumps on his head and
sits on his nose. The lion is angry. He takes
the mouse in his strong paw."What are you
doing, silly mouse?", roars the lion. "I will
eat you". The mouse is crying. "Please,
don't eat me. Perhaps one day I can help
you". The lion laughs when he hears it.
How is a little mouse going to help the King
of Beasts? However he lets the mouse go.
Some days later the mouse is looking for
food in the forest. Suddenly she sees the
lion in a big net. The mouse begins to chew
the net. She is making big holes in it. And
the lion jumps out from the net. He is free.
"There", says the mouse. "You see how a
little mouse can help a lion".
TASK 1. Matching.
In his den the lion
begins to chew
the net.
When the mouse
sees the lion in
to eat the mouse
the net she
The lion is going
is sleeping.​

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27.03.2021 03:47
I have a large and beautiful room. It is very light. There I rest, do homework and sleep. There is a soft bed, computer desk, flowers in pots, beds, chairs, toys and many other things I need. Also there is a computer and TV.I have an aquarium in which the fish swims. I love my room.Я маю велику і гарну кімнату. Вона дуже світла. Там я відпочиваю, роблю домашнє завдання та сплю. Там є м'яке ліжко, комп'ютерний стіл, квіти в горшку, диван, крісла, багато іграшок та інших потрібних мені речей. А також там є комп'ютер і телевізор.Я маю акваріум, у якому плаває рибка. Я дуже люблю свою кімнату.
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28.10.2022 05:03
I wish I were in London now. If I were there I would organize an excursion and would give you a good idea about this wonderful city.As we know, London is the capital of Great Britain and one of the largest industrial and cultural centers in Europe.I suppose you will share the opinion that in this historic city modern rules shoulders with the old, the present arises from the past, the great and the small live side by side in mutual tolerance and respect and in every part of its noisy and complex life there is to be found a great affection for old traditions and history.I don’t know if you have had a possibility to visit this exciting city but I insist that you should do it. And I will give a piece of advice how to plan your tour of the city.The best starting point for all the excursions is well known Trafalgar square with Nelson’s Column in the center. The square was named to commemorate the victory of British vice-admiral Nelson at the battle of Trafalgar in 1805 and the Column is surmounted with his statue. I have managed to see this monument and it has made a great impression on me.Then I recommend you to see the Houses of Parliament on the north bank of the river Thames. It also has another name – the Palace of Westminster - as in the past here lived kings and queens.This ensemble is a remarkable example of Gothic architecture: the buildings seem to be directed high into the air and of course are worth seeing. And here you will find the famous Clock Tower, called “Big Ben”.The next stop is Westminster Abbey. It is a big church and a national shrine, a place, where English kings and queens are crowned and famous people are buried. It’s well known for its’ Poets’ Corner with memorials to English poets and writers who were buried here.Everybody has heard about Saint Paul’s Cathedral. It is the largest Protestant Church in England and a remarkable architectural masterpiece. It contains the unique Whispering Gallery where you can hear the whisper of the person, standing at the other end of the gallery.And at the end you should see the majestic and dreary Tower of London, which has an abundant history. It was one of the first and most impressive castles built after the Norman invasion of England in the 11th century. It has been used as a royal palace, an observatory, and arsenal and, finally, as a state prison. And now it’s a museum where you can see the Crown Jewels - the finest precious stones of the English nation and a great collection of armour.No doubt that in London there are many other sights – Tate Gallery, City, Hyde Park and others, and everyone will find a preference according to his taste.You should only remember that in this city you will get fresh impressions, take great delight in viewing monuments and discover the history of England.I think it necessary that every person should visit London!Хотел бы я быть в Лондоне сейчас. Если бы я был там, я бы организовал экскурсию и дал бы вам хорошее представление об этом замечательном городе.Как мы знаем, Лондон – столица Великобритании и один из крупнейших промышленных и культурных центров в Европе.Я полагаю, вы раздели мнение, что в этом историческом городе современные нормы (др. - правила, уклад) соседствуют со стариной, настоящее рождается из великое и незначительное живут бок о бок, выказывая взаимное уважение и терпимость, и в каждом фрагменте его шумной и сложной жизни видна большая любовь к традициям и истории.Я не знаю, была ли у вас возможность посетить этот восхитительный город, но я настаиваю, чтобы вы это сделали. А я дам совет, как спланировать ваш тур по городу.Лучший отправной пункт для экскурсий – хорошо известная Трафальгарская площадь с Колонной Нельсона в центре. Площадь получила свое название в честь победы британского вице-адмирала Нельсона в Трафальгарском сражении 1805 года, а Колонна увенчана статуей Нельсона. Мне удалось увидеть этот памятник, и он произвел на меня большое впечатление.Затем я рекомендую вам увидеть здание парламента на северном берегу реки Темза. Оно имеет также другое имя – Вестминстерский дворец – так как в здесь жили короли и королевы.Этот ансамбль – исключительный образец готической архитектуры: кажется, что здания устремлены ввысь, и их, конечно, стоит увидеть. Также здесь найдете знаменитую “Часовую Башню”, называемую Биг-Бен.
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