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Read this webpage. Find one sentence that does not fit with the rest of the text. About me

Hello! Welcome to my website. My name is Yuki and I'm Japanese. I'm a student of Art & Design in London. I'm really enjoying this city - it's expensive but it's never boring. I go everywhere by bike. In my free time, I like playing squash. I also like watching comedies on TV and writing material for my website - so I can practise my English. Please read my articles about some cultural events in London at the moment.


Tate Britain, London SW1, until 29 April

William Hogarth was a very successful English painter of the eighteenth century. He spent his life in London. All his famous paintings are in this enormous exhibition and there's a lot of variety. The paintings are full of life and some are very funny, but sometimes the amount of detail is confusing. Actually, I liked his prints more than the paintings. I was surprised by the way her beauty changes - sometimes she looks like Marilyn Monroe, sometimes like Katherine Hepburn. Anyway, this exhibition is definitely worth seeing. I now feel I understand a lot more about this city!

Kylie:The Exhibition

V&A.London SW1, until 10 June

Some people thought that a museum wasn't the right place for an exhibition about a modern celebrity's clothes. But some of the clothes we see are 20 years old, and ore part of history. There's the white cotton dress Kylie wore for the video of I Should Be 50 Lucky. Then, there are the clothes she wore when she first appeared in the Australian soap opera Neighbours. Each dress. shoe or boot tells a story, and we learn about the designers, the videos, and the tours. The exhibition doesn't explain how she became so special but it's a lot of fun. I really recommend it!

Write the name of the exhibition (or exhibitions) which:

1 ... is very big.

2 is on in May.

3 helped Yuki learn about where she's living.

4 is about a successful person.

S is really good and you should go and see it.

Find words in the text that mean:

1 funny films or TV programmes

2 when you aren't working

3 not interesting

4 when things are different from each other

5 a television programme about the lives of a group of people

6 a famous person, especially an actor or singer

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31.08.2021 20:16
When my summer holidays came I was very happy!  The weather was fine so my friends and I went for a walk every day. It was fun! Then I spent a month in the country where my grandfather and grandmother lived. It was great. I drank milk and ate a lot of tasty food which my granny prepared for me. I have many friends in this village because I go there every holidays. We played football and tennis every day! There is a small river near the forest and we swam when the weather was fine. It was great!  I liked my holidays very much.   

Когда наступили летние каникулы, я был очень счастлив!  Погода была хорошая, так что мои друзья и я ходили гулять каждый день. Это было весело! Затем я провел месяц в деревне, где  живут мои дедушка и бабушка . Это было здорово. Я пил молоко и ел много вкусной пищи, которую моя бабушка готовила для меня. У меня много друзей в этой деревне, потому что я езжу туда каждые каникулы. Мы даже играли в футбол и теннис! Около леса есть небольшая речка. Мы купались, когда погода была хорошая. Это было здорово!  Мне очень понравились мои каникулы.
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05.01.2020 06:34

1. Who's in your immediate/extended family?

Кто есть в вашей непосредственной /( расширенной) семье?

There are four of us in our immediate family: Dad, Mum, my brother and me. В нашей семье четыре человека: папа, мама, брат и я.

2. How do you get on with your family members?

  Как вы ладите с членами вашей семьи?

We get on very well with each other. I have a friendly family! We always help each other and solve together all our problems!

Мы очень хорошо ладим друг с другом. У меня дружная семья! Мы всегда друг другу и вместе решаем все наши проблемы!

3. What family cultural traditions are there in your country?

  Какие семейные культурные традиции существуют в вашей стране?

In every family, there are different traditions. Family traditions help people to feel part of the whole, strengthen family unity.

We have many traditions in our family. On May Day we usually go to the country where my grandparents live and spend there our days off.

We like to arrange picnics. My father usually cooks Russian fish soup and grilled vegetables. At night we often make a campfire and sing to a guitar. At these moments I feel to be the happiest person in the world.

Another family tradition is decorating our New Year tree and seeing the New Year in all together.

Frankly speaking, I love all holidays but our birthdays are my favourite ones. We always arrange nice BD's parties.

В каждой семье есть свои традиции. Семейные традиции людям почувствовать себя частью целого, укрепляют семейное единство.

У нас в семье много традиций. На майские праздники мы обычно ездим к бабушке с дедушкой и проводим там выходные. Мы любим устраивать пикники. Мой отец обычно готовит уху (рыбный суп) и овощи на гриле. Ночью мы часто разводим костер и поем под гитару. В эти минуты я чувствую себя самым счастливым человеком на свете.

Еще одна семейная традиция-украшать новогоднюю елку и встречать Новый год всем вместе.

Честно говоря, я люблю все праздники, но наши дни рождения-мои любимые. Мы всегда устраиваем хорошие праздники в честь наших дней рождения.

4. What is important in your family?  - Что важно в вашей семье?

The most important thing in a family is to know that you are waited for at home when your family understands you, helps you and shares all your happy and unhappy moments in life. It is my life! For the sake of the family, we live, to my mind...

5. What does family mean to you? - Что для вас значит семья?

Family is the foundation of our society and the state. Without strong and cohesive families there will be no strong state. Family is love, hope, faith, patience and understanding.  In my opinion, if you have no family - you won't have a happy normal life.

Семья - это основа нашего общества и государства. Без крепких и сплоченных семей не будет сильного государства. Семья-это любовь, надежда, вера, терпение и понимание.  На мой взгляд, если у вас нет семьи - у вас не будет счастливой нормальной жизни.

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