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28.06.2021 06:51 •  Английский язык

Reading Task 1.Read the text and do the tasks below.

The pilot and the passenger got into the plane. It was a small plane. It had one engine. It was an old plane. The pilot started the engine. "Are you okay?" he asked the passenger. She said she was okay. They were flying to an island. The island was only 30 minutes away. It would be a short flight. She was a nurse. Her husband was a doctor. The doctor was on the island. The doctor needed some medicine. She had the medicine in her bag. The medicine would save a young boy. The young boy was very sick. The plane took off. The engine sounded funny. The pilot frowned. "Is everything okay?" the passenger asked. "I'm afraid not," said the pilot. "There's something wrong with the engine. We have to land." He landed the plane. The nurse got out of the plane. She looked around the airport. She saw another plane. This plane had two engines. She walked over to the plane. "Is this a new plane or an old plane?" she asked the pilot. The pilot said it was a new plane. "Good," she said. "Please take me to the island."

What words in bald mean in the text.

1. The word “It” in the first line refers to

2. The word “He” in the first line refers to

3.The word “She” in the first line refers to

Make up a correct sentence.

4. The lady/ boy./ husband/ was/ trip / went on /to help /her / a young/ who/ to save/ a dangerous/ a nurse /
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25.09.2021 18:17
1.) As a young woman, Mercédès is kind of one-dimensional character. She's beautiful, exotic, and faithful. She has a kind heart. She's happy for Edmond when he returns and she cries for him when he's taken away. She tolerates Fernand, despite his threatening demeanor, and lets him know that she's willing to sacrifice her life if he should try to hurt Edmond. What more could you ask for in a woman? Well, maybe a little more character development. But then we meet older Mercédès, Fernand's wife. What's the deal with her? How could she have abandoned Edmond? He was only gone for like, fourteen years right? What an ungrateful…wait, what's that? FOURTEEN YEARS? OK, sure, she married a big jerk, but on the plus side she raised a pretty cool, if cocky, son. She's one of the first characters to recognize Monte Cristo as Edmond; she accepts her fate and leaves quickly after Fernand is exposed, and she's suitably chastened by the experience. So, looking at all that you'd think she might deserve a break, right? Heck, she even has to send her only son away to war. Mercédès ends up being her own harshest critic: "You did have faith," she tells Edmond, "you had strength, you trusted in God, and God sustained you. I was a coward, I denied Him, so God abandoned me; and here I am!" (112.105). This is the last we hear of Mercédès. The Count moves on, finds love with Haydée, and rides off into the sunset. Meanwhile, Mercédès left to live in the old Dantès apartment in Marseille, left to cry herself to sleep, just as she was left to cry when Edmond was taken away to prison. Unwilling to "hope" and "wait" – the two things the Count tells Valentine and Maximillian they must do – she suffers as a result. But, really, hasn't she suffered enough? Is this punishment really called for?
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16.11.2020 09:17

Mark Twain was very fond of traveling. He did a lot of traveling and never got tired of it. Once he was traveling in France by train. He was going to visit a small town near Paris.

The previous day was very hard, Mark Twain was very tired and sleepy. He was afraid he would miss the town and asked the guard to wake him up before they got to the town.

Soon he fell asleep. When he woke up, the train was in Paris. Mark Twain looked at his watch. It was half past nine. He got very angry. He couldn’t understand why the guard had not woken him up in time.

He went out of the compartment, came up to the guard and asked him why he had not woken him up. The latter looked at Mark Twain for a moment and then told him: “You may be very angry with me, but not so angry as the American whom I put off the train instead of you.”

I. Right or wrong.

1. Mark Twain was very fond of music.

2. He was going to visit a small town near London.

3. The guard woke Mark Twain up at his station.

4. Mark Twain was angry.

5. The American was put off the train instead of Mark Twain.

II. Answer the questions.

1. Was Mark Twain very fond of traveling?

2. What town was he going to visit?

3. Mark Twain was very tired and sleepy, wasn’t he?

III. Complete the sentences.

1. Mark Twain was traveling in France by .

2. Mark Twain couldn’t understand why the guard .

3. When he woke up, .

IV. Match the verbs with their Russians equivalents.

1) to travel a) понимать

2) to wake up b) путешествовать

3) to understand c) будить

4) to visit d) навещать


1. Choose the right variant.

1. The English don’t shake hands when they meet, … ?

a) do they b) don’t they c) aren’t they d) are they

2. They try to be cheerful and good-tempered in difficult situations, …?

a) do they b) don’t they c) are they d) aren’t they

3. Many English people have fireplaces in their houses, … ?

a) have they b) didn’t they c) don’t they d) aren’t they

4. Mary can’t forget her trip to the lake, …?

a) doesn’t she b) don’t she c) can’t she d) can she

2. Add question tags to complete the sentences.

1. Country-people in Russia are rather frank and talkative, ?

2. The Welsh are considered to be emotional and cheerful, ?

3. Every Englishmen doesn’t like to miss his afternoon tea, ?

4. Many Russians waiting for service like to jump the queue, ?

3. Choose the right translation.

1. The girl was often heard to have sung the song.

a) Девочка слышала, как часто пели песню.

b) Девочка слышала, как поют песню.

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