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02.08.2022 16:07 •  Английский язык


1 Read the text. Choose the correct answers.

Do you want to be on TV or in a film? Well, if you do, then why not become an extra? Extras play a very small

part in a film or TV programme. They don’t usually speak. However, they may have to walk across the set or

stand with other extras as part of a crowd.

There are many agencies that are always looking for extras and some of them are online, so it’s easy to apply

wherever you live. You usually just need to fill in an application form and send in some photos. TV and film

directors often want extras who have a particular look. For example, they may want women with long hair for

period dramas and people who look a bit scary for horror films, so try to think about the kind of programme

that you’d like to be in when you’re choosing which photos to send.

So imagine you get a call to say a director wants you in their next film. You’re really excited, but what happens

next? Well, don’t be anxious about how you’ll look on screen, as the company will do lots of work on you when

you arrive on the set. You might have to wear your own clothes, but don’t worry about your hair and make-up

as there will be staff to make you look perfect for the role.

Now, although it all sounds really exciting, be prepared to sit around for a lot of the day, waiting until you are

needed for your scene. The time can go very slowly if you don’t have anything to do, so it’s a good idea to

take a book with you on any job that you get. Take some food and drink, too – you’ll probably get lunch, but

remember it’ll be a long day!

Most extras can earn about £90 to £110 a day. This isn’t very good for the number of hours that you need to

be available, but for the actual work that you do, it’s OK. However, people usually become an extra for the

chance to be on the big screen rather than for the money. Some people hope that it may lead to a real acting

part. This doesn’t happen very often, but there are some stories of extras becoming famous because a

director saw them on a film set. However, even if you continue to just be an extra, you might get to see one of

your favourite Hollywood actors one day, and it will definitely be something to tell all your friends about!

1 What is the best title for the article?

a What to expect as a film and TV extra

b My life as a film and TV extra

c From TV extra to film star

2 The writer suggests that you will get an ‘extra’ job if

a you have the right clothes.

b you are in the right place.

c your appearance is right.

3 The writer says that if you get a part, you may need to

a do something with your hair.

b find something to wear.

c practise doing your make-up.

4 What does the writer think is a benefit of being an extra?

a You can meet famous actors.

b You will get noticed by the film director.

c You might get jobs for your friends.

5 What does the writer think about the job of an extra?

d It is very popular with actors.

e It can be a bit boring.

f It is always well paid.

Показать ответ

Could I speak to the manager?

— the/me/Excuse/moment/but/is/not/he/at/here.

2. — Do you have tables for tonight?

— pity/is/a/It. We/have/tables/don't/any/tonight/for/left.

3. — Can I book a room?

— sorry/am/I/we/but/booked/fully/are.

4. — Are you open on Sundays?

— I/sorry/not/am/but/really/don't/I/know.

5. — Could I have lunch in my room now?

— afraid/am/I/don't/lunch/we/serve/11 a.m./before.

6. — Is it possible to sit closer to the window?

— impossible/it/sorry/really/I'm/very/but/is.

7. — Could I speak to Mrs Barn from Room 305?

— answer/is/but/I'm/no/there/sorry.

8. — Could I book the tickets for the show?

— I/left/have/afraid/we/nothing/am.

Read and practise saying the dialogues.

1) Receptionist:Good evening, what can I do for you?

Guest:I'd like to book a room.

R: When for?

G: I want to come on the 3rd of May and stay for three nights.

R: I'm really very sorry, but we are fully booked at that period.

G: Well, what about next week?

R: Oh, next week is OK, but what kind of room would you like?

G: A double, if possible.

R: I'm not quite sure, just one moment. Oh, I'm afraid we don't have any vacant double rooms for that moment, but never mind, I can offer you two nice single rooms.

G: What a pity! Let it be two single rooms but on one floor.

2) Headwaiter:Hello, how can I help you?

Guest:I'd like to reserve a table for two.

H: When would you like to come?

G: I wonder if it is possible to come on Wednesday evening.

H: Oh, I'm awfully sorry, but we don't open on Wednesday.

G: It is really very bad. Well, then could you reserve me a table for tonight?

H: I'm afraid we don't have any tables left for tonight. Today is our busy day. Come tomorrow and we'll reserve the best table for you!

3) Waiter:Good morning. What can I do for you?

Guest:Could I speak to your manager, please?

W: I'm not sure that he is here, but just one moment, I'll ask the Headwaiter.

G: Does your Headwaiter speak French? W: I'm sorry but I really don't know.

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25.01.2022 13:11

July 23, 1996, Yekaterinburg, Russia), better known as Klava Koka, is a Russian video blogger, pop singer, author of her own songs and TV presenter of the Eagle and Tails program on the Friday! TV channel. ... In 2019 she was nominated for the Kids' Choice Awards in the category "Favorite Russian Music Blogger".


23 июля 1996, Екатеринбург, Россия), более известная как Кла́ва Ко́ка, — российский видеоблогер, поп-певица, автор собственных песен и телеведущая программы «Орёл и решка» на телеканале «Пятница!». ... В 2019 году была номинирована на премию Kids' Choice Awards в номинации «Любимый российский музыкальный блогер».

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