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Ребята сделайте из этого краткий пересказ "Сказка о Рыбаке и Рыбке",на английском и русском. В ветхой землянке на берегу моря жили старик со старухой. Жили они вместе 33 года, старик рыбачил, а старуха «пряла свою пряжу». Однажды старик отправился ловить рыбу. Два раза он закидывал невод, но вытаскивал лишь тину. В третий раз в невод попалась одна рыбка, но не простая, а золотая.

Заговорила рыбка со стариком, попросила отпустить её, обещала откупиться «дорогой ценою». Испуганный и удивлённый старик отказался от откупа и отпустил золотую рыбку. Вернувшись домой, старик рассказал об этом чуде своей старухе-жене. Вздорная старуха обругала мужа и отправила его обратно, чтобы он выпросил у рыбки новое корыто — старое совсем развалилось.
Пришёл старик к морю, которое «слегка разыгралось», и попросил у рыбки новое корыто. Получив корыто, старуха ещё больше разбранилась и послала старика к рыбке за новой избой. Синее море помутилось, но рыбка приплыла и пообещала выполнить желание старухи.

Вернулся старик домой и вместо ветхой землянки увидел новую, красивую избу. Но жадной старухе этого было мало — она захотела стать «столбовою дворянкой» и снова отправила мужа к морю. Рыбка выплыла из неспокойного моря и выполнила старухин каприз.

Вернувшись, старик увидел вместо избы «высокий терем».
Спросил старик, довольна ли теперь её душенька, но старуха прикрикнула на мужа, «на конюшне служить его послала».

Через несколько недель старуха пожелала быть «вольною царицей» и снова отправила старика к золотой рыбке. Тот испугался, но перечить жене не посмел. Пришёл он к почерневшему морю, поклонился рыбке, и она сжалилась над стариком — пообещала сделать старуху царицей.

Вернулся старик и увидел вместо терема царские палаты, старуха сидит в них царицей, её окружает грозная стража, а прислуживают ей «бояре да дворяне». Поклонился ей старик, заговорил, но старуха велела прогнать мужа, даже не взглянув на него. Дворяне и бояре вытолкали старика из палат, а стража чуть топориками не зарубила.
An old man and an old woman lived in a dilapidated dugout by the sea. They lived together for 33 years, the old man fished, and the old woman "spun her yarn". One day the old man went fishing. Twice he cast the net, but only pulled out the mud. For the third time, one fish was caught in the seine, but not a simple one, but a golden one.
The fish spoke to the old man, asked him to let her go, promised to pay off "at a dear price." Frightened and surprised, the old man refused to pay off and released the goldfish. When the old man returned home, he told his old wife about this miracle. The quarrelsome old woman cursed her husband and sent him back to beg a new trough from the fish — the old one had completely fallen apart.
The old man came to the sea, which was "slightly played out", and asked the fish for a new trough. Having received the trough, the old woman cursed even more and sent the old man to the fish for a new hut. The blue sea was clouded, but the fish swam and promised to fulfill the old woman's wish.
The old man returned home and instead of a dilapidated dugout saw a new, beautiful hut. But this was not enough for the greedy old woman — she wanted to become a "pillar noblewoman" and again sent her husband to the sea. The fish swam out of the choppy sea and fulfilled the old woman's whim.
When he returned, the old man is seen in public "high tower".
The old man asked if her darling was happy now, but the old woman shouted at her husband, "she sent him to serve in the stable."
After a few weeks, the old woman wanted to be a "free queen" and sent the old man back to the goldfish. He was afraid, but did not dare to contradict his wife. He came to the blackened sea, bowed to the fish, and she took pity on the old man-promised to make the old woman a queen.
The old man returned and saw instead of the terem the royal chambers, the old woman sits in them as the queen, she is surrounded by a formidable guard, and "boyars and nobles"serve her. The old man bowed to her and spoke, but the old woman ordered her husband to be sent away without even looking at him. The nobles and boyars pushed the old man out of the chambers, and the guards almost cut him down with axes.

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29.12.2020 10:21

There is no doubt that people of our information-dependent society should be computer-literate. They must understand that computers can greatly influence the quality of life.  

There was a time when only priviliged people had an opportunity to study the basics, called the three R's: reading, writing, and arithmetics.  

Computer literacy is the ability to use computers and related technology efficiently from elementary use to programming and solving of advanced problems.    

As personal computers become commonplace and they become more powerful, the concept of computer literacy is moving beyond basic functionality to more powerful applications under the name of multimedia literacy or new literacies.

Commоnly recognized examples of new literacies include such practices as instant messaging, blogging, maintaining a website, participating in online social networking spaces, podcasting and videocasting, photoshopping images and photo sharing, emailing, taking part in online discussion, etc.

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04.01.2020 23:57

One of the most well-known actresses and also my favorite one is Angelina Jolie. We all know her and how important is her role in films.

When I look at her, I always see such a wonderful lady with great appearance. Firstly, she isn't rather tall. She is medium height, like about 170cm. She's quiet slender and she has a wonderful figure. Every thing fits her well and looks so much beautiful. Now she is middle-aged, but not so young. As far as I know, Angelina Jolie is 46. She has an oval face,a little straight nose and big lips, that attract everybody. She is so elegant and her eyebrows are always well-shaped. By the way, she is so pretty and her eyes are mesmerizing. She is dark-haired. Her hair is not so long, but makes her quiet neat.

After all, I'm sure, she is the most graceful and we all are atreccted by her appearance. Everyone will always remember plenty of her the main roles and will like her manners.

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