По типичному сюжету сказки, Иван Царевич вынужден жениться на лягушке, так как находит её в результате обряда (царевичи стреляли из луков наугад, куда стрела попадёт — там невесту и искать). Лягушка, в отличие от жён братьев Ивана Царевича, отлично справляется со всеми заданиями царя, своего свёкра, либо с колдовства (в одной версии сказки), либо с мамок-нянек» (в другой). Когда царь приглашает Ивана с женой на пир, она приезжает в облике прекрасной девушки. Иван Царевич тайно сжигает лягушачью кожу жены, чем вынуждает её покинуть его. Иван отправляется на поиски, находит её у Кощея Бессмертного и освобождает свою жену.
The Tower of London is one of the most imposing and popular of London'shistorical sites. It comprises not one, but 20 towers. The oldest of which, the WhiteTower, dates back to the llth century and the time of William the Conqueror.Nowadays a lot of tourists visit the Tower of London, because of the Tower's evilreputation as a prison. The Tower is famous as home of the Crown Jewels. Todaythey can be viewed in their new jewel house. They include the Crown of QueenElizabeth the Queen Mother which contains the celebrated Indian diamond. Many stories associated with British history come from the Tower. In 1483 KingEdward IV's two sons were murdered in the so called Bloody Tower. Over twocenturies later the skeletons of two little boys were found buried beneath steps inthe White Tower. Of course, no visit to the Tower would be complete without seeing the ravens; hugeblack birds who are an official part of the Tower community. Legend states that ifthe ravens were to leave the Tower the Crown will fall, and Britain with it. Under thespecial care of the Raven Master, the ravens are fed a daily diet of raw meat. Andthere is no danger of them flying away, because their wings are clipped.
Many stories associated with British history come from the Tower. In 1483 KingEdward IV's two sons were murdered in the so called Bloody Tower. Over twocenturies later the skeletons of two little boys were found buried beneath steps inthe White Tower.
Of course, no visit to the Tower would be complete without seeing the ravens; hugeblack birds who are an official part of the Tower community. Legend states that ifthe ravens were to leave the Tower the Crown will fall, and Britain with it. Under thespecial care of the Raven Master, the ravens are fed a daily diet of raw meat. Andthere is no danger of them flying away, because their wings are clipped.