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решить тест по английскому

1. Use learn or study in the appropriate forms to complete the sentences. See the rule on p.64 in SB.
1. Mike studied history when he was at the university. 2. Do you find it difficult new words in a foreign language? 3. Don said he had been sciences for 5 years at school. 4. The young actress that she would act in a new thriller. 5. Joe three foreign languages at once at the moment. 6. Bob the poem by heart yesterday. 7. Doris the words of a popular song. 8. Where did you to swim so well? 9. You have to for a long time to become a good doctor. 10. The boss the contract carefully before signing it.
2. Choose the appropriate preposition from or of to complete the sentences. See the rule on p.71 in SB.
1. The best ice cream is made from cow butter. 2. That strange chair was made plastic. 3. Rings made silver are quite expensive. 4. They decided to make a house brick. 5. She likes cheese made goat milk. 6. Did you know that glass is made sand? 7. He bought a sweater made pure wool. 8. Soup, as a rule, is made different vegetables. 9. What is this salad made ? 10. This dress is made Chinese silk.
3. Choose the numbers of those sentences which cannot be used in Passive Voice. See the rule on p.65 in SB.
1. John arrived in Paris two days ago. 2. Tom cooked his supper himself yesterday. 3. Someone will find your daybook soon. 4. We interviewed Mr. Smith last Sunday. 5. The Larsens returned rather late. 6. I lay on the sofa trying to fall asleep. 7. Hugh walked out of the room without saying goodbye. 8. The doctors told us not to worry. 9. Somebody invited Mr. Fletcher to join us. 10. I gave Mary some money as a present.
4. Rewrite these sentences using Present or Past Simple Passive.
1. The children ate all the sweets yesterday. 2. People often decorate the houses at Christmas. 3. Our teachers organized the disco last week. 4. They show the documentary once a week. 5. People usually admire such performances. 6. They improved the computer program last year. 7. My grandfather often reads the newspaper Pravda. 8. I did the project at school last month. 9. Ben plays football on Sundays. 10. Parliament makes laws for the country.
5. Use the words from the box to complete these sentences.
brilliant, respect, knowledge, responsible, contribution, admiration, whole, village, event, knowledgeable
1. After that disagreement Molly lost her friends’ . 2. Every student was asked to make a of 5 dollars to the Animal Fund. 3. The election is an important political in any country. 4. Judy said she was for that silly mistake. 5. The young gentleman looked at that beautiful girl in . 6. The story was the result of his imagination. 7. The road led to a small on the bank of the river. 8. Robert made a career. 9. My of French is rather poor. 10. Jason knows so many different things. He is a boy.

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09.02.2022 00:24

ок .

1) He looks like a boss . He had a great suite and jacket may be colour of his clothes is grey . His hair very simple , a lot of people have that hairstyle too. Colour of his hair can be blonde

2) On the second picture we can see a woman . She looks like a beautiful woman which like old style , but like new clothes from new brands . Her hair is long and beauty . Maybe it blonde too

3) Man on the third picture looks like not rich man , which can buy good clothes . More than half of people in our country have clothes like his . This clothes he maybe bought on the cheap shop like fix price . His hairstyle looks like simple . All men have that when they woke up and didnt brush their hair .

4) Woman on four picture looks like a boss , like business woman or like person which work in company and have that dress code on her work.

She has short hair and they can be brown colour.

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17.02.2020 02:57

1. I expect you'll see Jack at the lecture tonight. If you do, will you please remind him about tomorrow's meeting?

2. If you are not going to live in this house, why won't you sell it? If I had a house I couldn't use, I would sell it at once.

3. If the story hadn't been true, the newspaper wouldn't have printed it.

4. If you had worn a false beard, nobody would have recognized you.

5. What will happen if I press this button?

6. If you pass your examination, we will have a celebration.

7. We'll have a long way to walk if we run out of petrol here.

8. Unless they turn the radio off, I'll go mad.

9. No one bathes here. The water is heavily polluted. If you bathe in it, you will ill for a fortnight.

10. Look at poor Tom trying to start his car by hand again! If I were Tom, I would get a new battery.

11. So many parcels and no baskets! If I had known that we were going to buy so much, I would have brought a basket.

12. He says that if he had his life again, he would marry the same woman.

13. If you catch an early train tomorrow, you will like to have your breakfast at 7am.

14. The government are talking of pulling the village down to make room for an airport. - If they start doing it, the village people will resist.

15. If someone offered to buy you one of those rings, which would you choose?

Part II.

1. This flat would be all right if the people above us weren't so noisy.

2. If we hadn't returned back, we wouldn't have crushed into the rest of the spectators on their way down, and there wouldn't have been this frightful accident.

3. What will you do if you hear the burglar alarm?

4. If Sam rings while I am out, please tell him to call me at ten.

5. I wouldn't walk late at night alone if l were you.

6. If you read the book a second time, you will understand the main message of the author better.

7. What would you do if you had something stolen?

8. If you change your job, you will earn much more money.

9. If you had explained the situation to the headmaster, he wouldn't have called your parents.

10. If she loves him, she will marry him for sure.

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