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Русский язык

решить задания. Задание 2

Выберите верный вариант глагольной формы. (пр. 1а)

1. AIDS is a disease which a lot nowadays.

a) are spoken of

b) being spoken of

c) is spoken of

2. Recently computer methods of diagnostics to everyday practical work of policlinics.

a) were introduced

b) have been introduced

c) was introduced

3. At 5 o’clock tomorrow I to the lecture on new chemical pollutants and their effect on human health.

a) is being listened

b) will be listening

c) is listening

4. Today all the drugs in special drug cabinets.

a) keep

b) were kept

c) are kept

5. The chief physician daily round of wards when he was called on the phone.

a) was making

b) made

c) had made

6. Now much attention to the study of different diseases.

a) pays

b) will have been paid

c) is paid

7. He to follow strict regime of nutrition by his doctor in charge.

a) have been told

b) is told

c) told

8. A sedative to the patient in stress nowadays.

a) administers

b) was administered

c) is administered

9. The injection of the drug just to normalize heart activity an hour ago.

a) has been made

b) has made

c) was made

10. The pain much worse since the morning.

a) got

b) has got

c) were getting

11. Will the first year students in the anatomy museum the whole day tomorrow?

a) be working

b) have worked

c) are working

12. Galen thought that the heart the source of the body’s heat.

a) are

b) is

c) was

13. Now he an interesting article on patient concordance and medication.

a) has been written

b) is writing

c) writes

14. I that critical incident form twice because the first one was lost.

a) are submitting

b) had submitted

c) has submitted

15. Lidocaine to be the preferred local anesthetic agent used in minor surgical procedures.

a) have been considered

b) is considered

c) is considering

Задание 3

Преобразуйте предложения из активного залога в пассивный. Запишите предложения.

(пр. We learn English. — English is learnt (by us).)

1) Our district doctor makes calls.

2) We ordered the drugs at the chemist’s.

3) Those patients have followed a strict diet.

4) She is doing her daily round now.

5) Doctor X. will see patients in Room 5

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21.04.2023 01:20
(Курочка представляется)
Hen: Hello! I'm a hen. I've got three friends.
(Поочерёдно на сцену выходят друзья курочки и цыплята.)
Dog: Bow-wow-wow! Hello! I'm a dog.
Cat: Meow! Hello! I'm a cat.
Duck: Quack-quack! Hello! I'm a duck.
Hen: And I've got little yellow chicks.
Chicks: Hello!
(Курочка показывает зрителям и друзьям зёрнышки, пересчитывает их.)
Hen: Look! I've got five seeds. One, two, three, four, five.

(Курочка берет лопатку, предлагает друзьям посадить зёрнышки.)
Hen: I want to plant the seeds. Can you help me?
Dog: No, I can't. I want to run. (Собака бегает по сцене.)
Cat: No, I can't. I want to play with a mouse. (Кот отходит в сторону, играет с мышью.)
Duck: No, I can't. I want to swim. (Утка делает вид, что плавает.)
Hen: Can you help me, chicks?
Chicks: Yes, we can!
Hen: All right, let's go.
(Курочка и цыплята отходят в сторону и "сажают" семена.)

(Курочка берёт лейку, обращается к друзьям.)
Hen: I want to water the plants. Can you help me?
Dog: No, I can't. I want to jump.(Собака прыгает по сцене.)
Cat: No, I can't. I want to climb.(Кот отходит в сторону, изображает, как лезет на дерево.)
Duck: No, I can't. I want to fly.(Утка делает вид, что летает.)
Hen: Can you help me, chicks?
Chicks: Yes, we can!
Hen: All right, let's go.
(Курочка и цыплята отходят в сторону и "поливают" семена из лейки.)

(Курочка берёт скалку, обращается к друзьям.)
Hen: Now I want to make a cake. Can you help me?
Dog: No, I'm tired. I want to sleep.
Cat: No, I'm tired. I want to sleep, too.
Duck: No, I'm tired. I want to sleep very much.
Hen: Can you help me, chicks?
Chicks: Yes, we can!
Hen: All right, let's go.

(Курочка и цыплята возвращаются с пирогом.)
Hen: Now it's time to eat the cake.
(Друзья курочки облизываются, поглаживают животы, пытаются отщипнуть кусочек пирога.)
Dog: Oh, a cake! I'm hungry!
Cat: I'm hungry, too!
Duck: I'm very hungry!
Dog, Cat, Duck: Can we eat the cake?
Hen: No, you can't.
Dog: And who will eat the cake?
(Курочка вручает пирог цыплятам.)
Hen: My chicks will eat the cake. They always help me.
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13.12.2022 04:09
Citizens of Russia have the right to education which is guaranteed by the Constitution and ensured by the broad development of compulsory secondary education, vocational, specialised secondary and higher education, by the development of correspondence and evening courses, by the provisions of state scholarships, grants and privileges for students.
In Russia there is a nine-year compulsory education, but to enter a university one has to study two years more.
School-starts at the age of six for Russian children. But most of them have learnt letters in kindergarten which is now part of primary school. Primary and secondary schools together comprise eleven years of study. Every school has a "core curriculum" of Russian, mathematics, sciences, PT. A variety of subjects are taught at lyceums and gymnasiums.
After finishing secondary school, lyceum or gymnasium one can go on to higher education. All applicants must take competitive examinations. Entrance examinations are held in July and August. Higher educational institutions are headed by Rectors. Vice-rectors are in charge of the academic and scientific work. Higher educational institutions train undergraduates and graduate students in one or several specialisation's. The faculties are headed by the Deans. There are departments within faculties. The system of higher education in Russia is going through a transitional period. The main objectives of the reform are: decentralisation of the higher education system, development of the autonomy of higher educational institutions, expansion of academic freedoms of faculties and students, development of new financial mechanism. All Russian schools until recently were state-subsidised.
In the terms of the ration of students to the total population Russia ranks among the top ten countries in the world.
The Russian educational policy is a combination of economic and social objectives. An educated person contributes more to the society and education on the other hand gives a person the prospect for professional advance. The citizens of Russia show a great concern for education for themselves and their children.
Institutions of higher education include: technical training, schools, teachers training colleges, universities which offer master's and doctoral degrees programmes.
The faculties have specialised councils for conferring advanced academic degrees.
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