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13.03.2021 12:56 •  Английский язык

Решите а will-do
б would-do
в would-have-done
г could-do
д 0
3 When you go to America, you book a hotel room before you go, because there are usually a lot of vacancies.
а have to
б had to
в should
г don't have to
д 0
5 When you go to America you have special injections before you go.
а have to
б had to
в should
г don't have to
д 0
7 At first he Mortimer Mouse.
а called
б was called
в was calling
г has called
д 0
9 Marmalade is made oranges.
а for
б after
в off
г from
д 0
11 We eat out weekends.
а at
б of
в in
г for
д 0
13 Maria from Spain
а comes
б is coming
в will come
г came
д 0
15 Today she jeans and a T-shirt.
а wears
б has worn
в is worn
г is wearing
д 0
17 She can't answer the phone because she her hair
а washes
б washed
в will wash
г is washing
д 0
19 She arrived England two years ago.
а in
б for
в on
г at
д 0
21 My wife ___football, but I it.
а didn't like-loved
б isn't liking-am loving
в doesn't like-love
г won't like -will love
д 0
23 Ia bicycle when I was young.
а had
б have
в had had
г am having
д 0
25 While I to work this morning, I an old friend.
а came - met
б had come - had met
в was coming - was meeting
г was coming - met
д 0
27 I don't have ___free time today. Sorry.
а no
б any
в many
г some
д 0
29 I went home early.
а to
б to the
в 0
г the
д 0
31 We get married next spring.
а will
б would
в is going to
г are going to
д 0
33 Our children and grandchildren suffer if we don't look after our planet.
а would
б will
в would have
г could
д 0
35 They will give her the message as soon as she .
а will arrive
б would arrive
в arrives
г is arriving
д 0
37 If she buy so many clothes, she'd have more money.
а won't
б doesn't
в didn't
г can't
д 0
39 If she a watch, she wouldn't always be late.
а has
б had
в will have
г have
д 0
41 When they were on the trail, they... by yellow jackets.
а stang
б get stung
в were got stung
г were stung
д 0
43 British people don't even try to … .
а make food tastier
б do food tastier
в make food tastyer
г do food tastyer
д 0
45 I can't play tennis tomorrow. I … go to the dentist.
а must
б may
в should
г have to
д 0
2 When you go to America, you apply for a visa at least one month before you go.
а have to
б had to
в should
г don't have to
д 0
4 When you go to America you change your money before you go, because there are a lot of 24-hour banks.
а have to
б had to
в should
г don't have to
д 0
6 Barbara Lively a lot of books.
а has written
б wrote
в were writing
г had written
д 0
8 Mickey Mouse cartoons into sixty languages.
а have translated
б have been translating
в have been translated
г translated
д 0
10 We land ten minutes.
а to
б at
в in
г with
д 0
12 What you tonight?
а do-do
б will-do
в had-done
г are-doing
д 0
14 She French, Spanish, and English.
а is speaking
б will speak
в speaks
г spoke
д 0
16 She twenty cigarettes a day.
а smokes
б is smoking
в will smoke
г is smoked
д 0
18 IJane after work today.
а meet
б met
в will meet
г am meeting
д 0
20 In my country we lessons on Saturday.
а aren't having
б haven't had
в don't have
г won't have
д 0
22 He … the film last night and liked it very much.
а watched
б watch
в is watching
г will watch
д 0
24 I my homework last night when James arrived.
а was doing
б did
в were doing
г do
д 0
26 I bought___fruit, but they didn't havevegetables.
а some-any
б any-some
в no-many
г some-some
д 0
28 Howchildren does she have?
а some
б any
в much
г many
д 0
30 He's milkman, so he has breakfast at 4 a.m.
а a - 0
б a - the
в the - the
г 0 - 0
д 0
32 You fail your exam if you don't study hard.
а would
б will
в would have
г could
д 0
34 When she my letter she will understand my problem.
а will read
б read
в reads
г is reading
д 0
36 If he in the evening, he would have time to play with his children.
а work
б isn't working
в don't work
г didn't work
д 0
38 If I a car, I'd give you a lift.
а will have
б have
в had
г have had
д 0
40 Don't flatter too … .
а many
б a lot of
в very much
г much
д 0
42 Do you think I … change money before starting to the USA?
а should
б shall
в must
г have to
д 0
44 I … all from a critic who … there yesterday evening.
а hear / was walking
б heard / was walking
в heard / walked
г hear / walked
д 0

Показать ответ
13.05.2021 21:07

My Favourite Shop

I like shopping and I often do it with my mum or my friends. I must say I like going to clothing shops more than food shops. I could spend hours just looking at clothes, choosing things to try on and trying to find that perfect look and price.

My favourite shop is 'LC WAIKIKI'. This brand is represented in more than 40 countries. It sells fashionable clothes and accessories at affordable prices. 'LCWaikiki' stores are quite popular in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan. We can also buy their clothes on the Internet. There are four types of clothes in the Waikiki stores — for men, women, boys and girls of all ages.

I love this shop because their clothes are stylish and comfortable. I can always find something to my taste and I like the service.

                               Мой любимый магазин

Я люблю ходить по магазинам и часто делаю это с мамой или подругами. Должна сказать, что мне больше нравится ходить в магазины одежды, чем в продуктовые. Я могу часами смотреть на одежду, выбирать вещи для примерки и пытаться найти идеальные образ и цену.

Мой любимый магазин - LC WAIKIKI. Этот бренд представлен более чем в 40 странах. Здесь продаются модная одежда и аксессуары по доступным ценам. Магазины «LCWaikiki» довольно популярны в России, Украине, Белоруссии и Казахстане. Мы также можем купить их одежду в интернете. В магазинах Waikiki есть четыре вида одежды - для мужчин, женщин, мальчиков и девочек всех возрастов.

Я люблю этот магазин, потому что их одежда стильная и удобная. Я всегда могу найти что-то на свой вкус, и мне нравится обслуживание.

0,0(0 оценок)
28.05.2021 07:55

Мама: Привет?

Энн: Привет, мама. Это Энн. Папа и я пришли в супермаркет. Мы забыли ваш список дома, поэтому у нас есть несколько во Мама: Хорошо, Энн. Что ты хочешь с у меня?

Энн: У нас есть овощи для салата, но мы с папой не знаем, какое масло купить.

Мама: купи оливковое масло Я стараюсь готовить с оливковым маслом. На мой взгляд, это лучше для вашего здоровья.

Энн: Хорошо, тогда оливковое масло. Теперь мы должны получить апельсиновый или яблочный сок?

Мама: Получи оба. Я не люблю апельсиновый сок, но папа любит. Было бы хорошо на ужин.

Энн: О! Говоря об ужине ... ты собираешься приготовить свинину с печеными бобами, верно?

Мама: Да, это верно. Свинина с печеными бобами - любимое блюдо твоего отца. Я готовлю это сейчас. Он будет готов через полчаса, поэтому не опаздывайте на ужин. И не забывайте морковь и огурцы. Я хочу их для салата. Энн: Точно, морковь и огурцы. Я кладу их в корзину. Что мы будем покупать на десерт?

Мама: Хочешь яблочный пирог или мороженое?

Энн: Мороженое - отличная идея! Мам, я люблю мороженое, но я не знаю, как выбрать хорошее.

Мама: По своего папу показать тебе. Он знает, где найти вкусное мороженое.

Энн: Папа, можешь мне выбрать мороженое? Мама, мы получаем мороженое. Мы идем прямо домой.

Мама: О возьми немного попкорна, чтобы мы могли съесть попкорн и посмотреть фильм по телевизору после ужина.

Энн: Круто!

Мама: я жду тебя!

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