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05.03.2022 08:59 •  Английский язык


4 Choose the correct alternatives to complete the sentences.
1 Mum and Steve ___ a big argument last night about the computer. A did B made C had D took
2 The new teacher is very ___ -going and usually lets us give in homework late! A light B easy C well D soft
3 I came ___ some old school reports in my room yesterday. They are so funny to read. A up B over C at D across
4 Did that book you were looking for ever ___ up? A come B turn C take D go
5 The new library was opened by a well-___ author. A thought B written C known D understood
6 My uncle went o
n a ___ last year and won a holiday in America! A chat show B documentary C game show D channel
7 A ___ broke into our house and stole our new TV and my laptop. A mugger B vandal C pirate D burglar
5 Read the article from which some sentences have been taken out. Choose the correct sentences A–H to fill the gaps. There is one extra sentence that you do not need.

Long distance rescue
Most people have heard of the Titanic. It was the largest passenger ship in the world and was launched in 1912, but it hit an iceberg and sank in the Atlantic Ocean with 1,517 people. (1) ___ It is a very strange tale, but luckily it had a better ending than the story of the original Titanic.
Alex Evans works on a lifeboat in Wales and he spends a lot of his time rescuing people from the sea. (2) ___ A few weeks ago, Alex was shopping
with his mother when his mobile phone rang. He was surprised to get a signal and answered it. He was even more surprised to hear the voice of his friend Mark Corbett, who was on a motorboat in the Caribbean over 4,000 miles away. (3) ___ He told Alex that the boat was sinking and they needed help! Alex first thought that it was a joke. (4) ___ Then he heard the panic in Mark’s voice and realised that it was a real emergency. Mark said that there was a lot of water in the boat and they had lost power. (5) ___ He was using the satellite phone and the only number he could remember was Alex’s!
Alex stayed calm and wrote down the information about where the boat was. (6) ___ They sent out planes and three hours later they found Mark’s boat and rescued them. (7) ___ Maybe boat owners should avoid calling their boats Titanic in the future!

A Then he contacted an international rescue centre.

B Mark was with some other men, taking a boat to Grenada.

C However, he doesn’t have a boat himself.

D Luckily everyone was OK because of the actions of a good friend 4,000 miles away!
E They couldn’t use the long-range radio.
F This year he was part of a sea rescue that was a little different!

G Imagine someone phoning you and saying that they are on the Titanic and it’s sinking!
H Now another boat with the same name has been in the news because it got into trouble at sea.

Listening (Tests CD, Track 14)
6 Listen to the speakers and choose the best answers.
1What has the boy bought?
A something for his computer B something to wear C something to read

2Why is Martin phoning Angela?
A to apologise B to give an invitation C to complain

3Why did the boy get bad marks in the test?
A because he has a bad memory B because he was ill C because he didn’t revise enough

4Who rescued the children?
A their dog B a dog walker C some emergency workers

5Why is the man complaining?
A because a programme was on earlier than advertised B because there was a change in the programme C because the camera work wasn’t very good

6Why is the girl late this morning?
A because she went to bed too late last night B because the roads were busy C because she was in a crash
7 Read the email to Tom from Olga in 2 again. Write Tom’s reply. Write 120–150 words.

8 Your teacher has asked you to write a story with this title.

Something exciting that I did this year

Write the story in 120–150 words.

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05.09.2022 03:14
В Америке 50 соединенных штатов. Население около 200 миллионов. До 1776 года в Америке было много флагов. В Род-Айленд, например, изображался якорь на флаге, в Массачусетс - дерево, Нью-Гэмпшир - корабль. В 1776 году после оглашения декларации о независимости "Звезды и полоски" впервые появились на Американском флаге. 13 полосок представляют собой 13 штатов, которые подписали декларацию о независимости и белые звезды означают число штатов, входящих в целое число союза. Новые штаты вступали в союз и появлялись на флаге 26 раз. Два самых северных штата, Аляска и  Гаваи.
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20.07.2022 18:33
Our autumn holidays have been a lot of fun, however, as usual!We went to school, preparing for the 100th anniversary of our Lyceum. But the number 1, we decided to get out into nature, or rather, we have won a certificate for a free trip to the zoo, it turned out we only really when we tried to intellectual marathon. In his Lyceum, we have a winner-class, so we have awarded this certificate.Zoo we have a very large, and since it was cool outside, then all the animals we could not see. We saw a variety of birds and hear them singing, admired the king of all animals - a lion, a number had tigers, polar bears reached after went to the pavilion with tropical animals seen and tropical fish. After many already frozen, so we decided to go with the girls in the cafe to warm up, to talk, etc.In general, a campaign like we walked a bit and relax from the bustle of the city ...Наши осенние каникулы очень весело, в прочем, как обычно!Мы ходили в школе, готовились к 100-летию нашего лицея. Но 1 числа мы решили выбраться на природу, точнее мы выиграли сертификат на бесплатный поход в зоопарк, это получилось у нас только когда мы очень постарались на интеллектуальном марафоне. В своем лицее мы стали классом-победителем, поэтому нас наградили этим сертификатом.Зоопарк у нас очень большой, а так как на улице было прохладно, то на всех зверей нам не удалось посмотреть. Мы увидели различных птиц, послушали их пение, восхищались царем всех зверей - львом, рядом были тигры, дошли до белых медведей, после отправились в павильон с тропическими животными, увидели и тропических рыб. После многие уже замерзли, вот мы и решили сходить с девчонками в кафе, чтобы погреться, поговорить и т.д.  В общем, поход понравился, мы погуляли и немного расслабились от городской суеты...
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