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28.03.2023 10:06 •  Английский язык

Решите тест iii. vocabulary and grammar. 1. tom is really afraid of spiders, and every time he sees one he just … a. freezes b. teases c. embarrasses 2. if you look for a dog or cat, you can get one from the animal … . a. hall b. shelter c. house 3. you’ve managed to make your little brother cry! are you happy with … now? a. himself b. yourself c. yourselves 4. what time … sally to her art lesson this afternoon? a. are you taking b. do you take c. will you take 5. after barney … his chores, he had some rest. a. had been doing b. was doing c. had done 6. jack asked the police officer where … his stolen car. a. they had found b. did they find c. had they found 7. by the time sara gets here, we … for her for more than an hour. a. have been waiting b. will have been waiting c. are going to wait 8. you can’t invite … you want to the party! we can only have fifteen guests. a. whichever b. whenever c. whoever 9. kate is … person i’ve ever met. a. a most clever b. clever c. the cleverest 10. do you think that robots will ever be able to … more complicated tasks such as driving and flying a plane? a. exist b. overcome c. perform 11. the building … when the fire started. a. was being built b. had built c. was built 12. getting together for sunday lunch is a family … . a. habit b. tradition c. custom 13. jack is not a very … person, as he’s not very comfortable with meeting new people. a. silly b. sociable c. strong 14. i can’t understand how samantha manages to … the ironing so fast! a. do b. make c. take 15. one thing i don’t like about this area is that it is … a. too noisy b. noisy enough 16. they are tired of … in the dirty, noisy city, so they’ve decided to move to the country. a. to live b. lived c. living 17. ann loves story books about dragons, giants and other … creatures. a. extinct b. mythical c. modern 18. did the magician really make the man disappear or was it just an optical …? a. imagination b. illusion c. shadow 19. sandra … for three years before she sold her first painting. a. painted b. had painted c. had been painting 20. while lisa … a book, her brother was listening to music. a. read b. will read c. was reading 21. - last night i dreamt that a huge spider was chasing me. - … a. what do you think this means? b. wonderful! c. that’s a thought! 22. andy has … a new gadget again; he really loves making things. a. invented b. become c. divided 23. by this time next week we … our computer training course. a. will complete b. will have completed c. complete 24. – can you give me a hand with the mixer? - … a. what a surprise! b. sure, what’s the problem? c. that’s really kind of you. 25. cake sales are a great way to … money for charities. a. raise b. win c. attract 26. some hollywood actors like to perform their own … even if they are rather dangerous. a. plots b. jokes c. stunts 27. i’ll send you the email as soon as i’m able to … to the internet. a. connect b. download c. install 28. the costume … george has chosen for the fancy dress party is very funny. a. which b. who c. where 29. the … anne practiced, the … it became for her to paint portraits. a. much, easy b. more, easy c. more, easier 30. claire made a beautiful clay vase on the … we gave her for her birthday. a. box-office b. potter’s wheel c. desk 31. the eiffel tower … by about six million people each year. a. visits b. is visited c. is visiting 32. mum jumped on a chair and … loudly when she saw a mouse under the bed. a. smiled b. screamed c. sang 33. - is the museum far from here? - . a. of course. where are you going? b. every ten minutes. c. go past the bank and turn left. 34. after doing her chores, mary went on … some phone calls. a. making b. make c. to make 35. the man couldn’t drive in the rain because one of his windscreen … was broken. a. wipers b. headlights c. seats

Показать ответ
18.05.2023 23:24
Можно на русском? первый вариант легкий второй - посложнее.
первый вариант
Анна и  Боб
Анна - о! боб! привет, я не видела тебя целую вечность!
боб - привет анна! как ты?
анна - я купила новый дом, и машину, а ты? (что про тебя -дословно)
боб - у меня все хорошо, пока
анна - удачи
второй вариант
теже Ана им Боб
Анна - О! Боб, мой лучший друг! Где ты пропадал все это время(где ты был)
боб- привет, Анна. я отучился в институте на экономиста и тепер работаю экономистом. родители каждый год путешевствуют, а моя дочь Дора уже пошла в школу.
анна - замечательно(прекрасно)! Моя жизнь тоже начала налаживаться! я вышла замуж, мы купили дом и хорошую(дорогую) машину. работаю с удовольствием парикмахером!
боб - замечательно, ну что ж(so)? Может попьем чаю у нас дома?!
анна - давай, с радостью!хорошо что встректились
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13.05.2020 02:03
Forests play a major role in developing the economy, improving the environment. The trees themselves - a fuel suppliers, and most importantly - wood for construction projects and technical craft materials. so what do you think in deforestation over plus or minus?Timber companies that supply the world of wood and paper products, also cut down countless trees for the construction of roads and as a result of urban growth. However, not all lesoistreblenie is intentional - some is due to a combination of human and natural factors, such as forest fires and overgrazing, which does not allow growth of young trees.On the other hand forest - a habitat for the majority ofanimal species, it is the breadwinner of animals and humans, giving themnuts, berries, mushrooms, edible shoots of grass and lichens. Forest ecosystems are very important for the life of the biosphere: theyenriching the atmosphere with oxygen .Lesa play an important role in the water cycle. Forest soils filter the water flowing from the fields and industrial sites, andpurified them from many contaminants. Forest ecosystems evaporated inair moisture and beneficial effect on the climate by increasing humidityair.Considering all the circumstances, I conclude that it is necessary to reduce deforestation and to look for alternative ideas. We chat because it is dependent on the nature and nee.i I would like that other generations have seen the beauty of nature, and not something that leaves a land raped.
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