Rewrite the following sentences as cleft sentences 1. Berik has been rehearsing his presentation all day.
2. We gave the presentation at the Atakent International Exhibition Centre
The place
3. Professor Jameson wanted to explain how the system worked.
The first thing
4. Was Ulan presentation about energy storage?
Was it?
1. обязанность соблюдать КРФ и з-ны, ст. 15, ч. 2
2. обязанность каждого платить з-но установленные налоги и сборы, ст. 57. З-ны, устанавл. новые налоги и ухудшающие положение налогоплат. обратной силы не имеют.
3. обязан. каждого охранять природу и окр. среду, бережно относиться к прир. богатствам.
4. защита Отечества является долгом и обязанностью гр-на РФ, ст. 59, ч. 2.
Гражданин РФ несет воинскую службу в соответствии с ФЗ.
В соотв. с З-ном "О воинской обязанности и в/с" от 11 ф. 93 г. гр-н мужского пола в возрасте от 18 до 27 лет, состоящие или обязанные состоять на воинском учете, не имеющие право на освобождение или отсрочку призыва на ВС подлежит призыву на ВС на срок 24-12 месяцев.
В настоящее время готовится реформа об армии на переводе на профессион. основу.
2. Have I sent a letter to my friend? I haven't sent a letter to my friend.
3. Has she made a very bad mistake? She hasn't made a very bad mistake.
4. Have the children gone to bed? The children haven't gone to bed.
5. Have I seen a mouse in the kitchen? I haven't seen a mouse in the kitcen.
6. Have we met our business partners? We hanven't met our business partners.
7. Have I lost my student identity card? I havent' lost my student identity card.
8. Have they cleaned their rooms? They haven't cleaned their rooms.
9. Have the tourists visited the National Gallery? The tourists haven't visited the National Gallery.
10. Has the teacher checked our tests? The teacher hasn't cheked our tests.
11. Has Harry broked his car? Harry hasn't broken his car.
12. Have I forgotten his phone number? I haven't forgotten his phone numer.
13. Have they left for Rome? They haven't left for Rome.
14. Has Mary seen this film? Mary hans't seen this film.
15. Have we read this detective story? We haven't read this detective story.
16. Has he taken my credit card? He hasn't taken my credit card.