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Рrogress Test Unit 6 1. Read the text and match the phrase with the text
This text deals with …
1. Computer virus.
2. Game addiction.
3. A crime.
4. An important message.
5. Punishment.
6. Using neighbours’ wi-fi.
A. A Singapore teenager who used his neighbours’ wi-fi Internet network will not be able to
use the Internet for the next 12 months. The message for wi-fi users is clear: if it isn’t yours,
don’t use it.
B. Seventeen-year-old Tan Luo was an online-game fan and played games at all hours of the
day. He didn’t have time to study and wasn’t able to complete his course at the college. In the
end, his parents were very worried and they disconnected their Internet access so Tan couldn’t
go online.
C. However, this didn’t stop him. He knew his neighbours had Internet access, so he used theirs.
He was able to connect to their wireless Internet network, or ‘wi-fi’, and continued playing
online games from his own home.
D. The neighbours noticed Tan was using their wi-fi one night. They told him to stop, but he
didn’t, and so they called the police. In Singapore it’s a crime to use a wi-fi network that isn’t
yours. So, the young wi-fi thief had to go to court.
E. In court, Tan said he was very sorry. The judge didn’t sent him to prison. Instead, he sent Tan
to a boys’ hostel for nine months. At the hostel, he will do sports and other activities, but he
won’t be allowed to play video games. Furthermore, he won’t be able to use the Internet for the
next year.
2. Ask 1 questions to each text.
3. Complete the sentences.
The Pig and the Pencil
Pig was looking at A on the ground. Turtle came by. “What did you find, Pig?” she said.
“What is that thing on the ground?” “Don’t you know?” said Pig. “I’ll show you what it is!” Pig
put the pencil on his hat. “Oh, now I see!” said Turtle. “It looks B on your hat. You are so
smart, Pig.” “I know, I know,” said Pig. Frog came by just then. “Oh, Frog! Look what Pig put
on his hat,” said Turtle. “I see,” said Frog. “That C your hat look good, Pig. What a smart
thing to do!” “Being smart is what I do best,” D Pig. “Now I’ll show you something more!”
Pig put the pencil on his nose. “What a good place for it!” said Frog. “I think that’s the best
place,” said Turtle. “You are E smart, Pig.”
A 1) anything 2) something 3) nothing 4) anywhere
B 1) better 2) worse 3) best 4) good
C 1) making 2) maked 3) makes 4) make
D 1) said 2) asked 3) answered 4) talked
E 1) such 2) such a 3) so a 4) so
4. Complete the sentences.
Japanese culture
Japanese culture (A) an enormous impact on the rest of the world, especially in the areas of
film, music and fashion. The streets of Tokyo are the city’s (B) area for youth culture.
Teenagers here are hip kids with all the(C) gadgets. Japanese teenage girls spend their
money on the (D) trends in clothes and music and teenage boys invest in the latest computer
games. Some young Japanese people (E) their own fashion houses and design companies
which are taking the rest of the world by storm!
1. most popular; 2. hottest; 3. famous; 4. latest; 5. privacy; 6. is having; 7. have started.

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11 минут назад

Английский язык


Kazakhstan is one of the independent states of the Commonwealth Independent States (the CIS). It is situated in the central part of the Euro-Asian continent. Its territory stretched from West and East for 3,000 kilometres and from North to South for 1,600 kilometres covering an area 2,717,000 sq. kms. In the West, Northwest and North Kazakhstan borders on the Russian Federation. In the South and Southwest are the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. In the Southeast and East, there is China. The border length of Kazakhstan is more than 15,000 km.

According to active administrative and territorial division, Kazakhstan consists of 14 regions, and 223 districts. There are 83 cities and 204 townships. The regions are Astana, Almaty, Atyrau, Aktobe, Eastern Kazakhstan, Taraz, Mangystay, Pavlodar, Kzyl-orda, Karaganda and Kostanai.

The population of Kazakhstan now numbers 17 million people. People of 120 nationalities live in the country. Kazakh is the state language, but Russian is officially used on an equal basis with Kazakh. The languages of the minority groups living in our Republic our freely spoken.

In December 1991, a new independent country-the Republic of Kazakhstan –joined the World community. The 16th of December was celebrated as an Independence Day of Kazakhstan. The Republic of Kazakhstan is a unitary country with a presidential form of the government. The first president of Kazakhstan is N. A. Nazarbayev. He became the first president of the Country in April 1990.

Kazakhstan has huge reserves of mineral recourse, such as crude oil, natural gas, copper, zinc, gold and silver. Mining, machinery manufacture, the production of petro-chemicals and agriculture are important sectors of the economy. Agriculture provides grain, fruit, cotton, tobacco and meat.

The Republic of Kazakhstan has played a major role in the history and development of the Central Asia. Kazakhstan has a special status within the

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19.05.2020 11:04
1. what kind of hobby is very popular among younger generation in kazakhstan?
2. why is it important?
3. is your own hobby different from the most popular one. how? why?

There are a lot of hobbies popular among the younger generation in Kazakhstan, some people are interested in singing, some enjoy dancing, while some are reading. It is hard to say which hobby is more popular, I would assume that people are interested in the computer technologies nowadays.

I would say that all kinds of hobbies are important, as people definitely need to have something in their lives what makes them feel better and happier. On the tough day, for example, people can relax simply by practicing their hobbies.

My hobby is different from the most popular one, I personally enjoy reading, but I do not think that many people love classic literature these days. However, I really enjoy spending some quiet time with a good book and enjoy the story.
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