Английский язык
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31.08.2022 09:33 •  Английский язык

с английским кроссвордом, 5 и 32 я написала

1. a thick, white, semisolid food made from milk or cream, used in cooking, esp. in soups, sauces, and on baked potatoes

4. a dish with upward curved sides

5. duck

9. a large, green, oval-shaped fruit with a sweet, juicy, pink interior

12. a fish with reddish-pink flesh

13. a V-shaped tool used to hold and lift things

14. small, roundish bread

17. a Mexican bread of corn meal made in a thin layer and cooked on a grill

18. a round melon with rough skin and sweet, light-orange insides

21. a shallow pan with a handle used for frying food

22. a soft, white, smooth cheese made of milk and cream

26. a small, round, green seed that grows in long pods and is eaten as a vegetable

27. a round section of seasoned meat

29. grain, like wheat and oats, or food made of it

30. a green plant with long stems that are cooked and eaten

32. Tablespoon

34. to let flow, make s.t. stream out

35. a spoon holding approx. 1/3 of a tablespoon or 1/4 fluid ounce

36. a grain of the cereal grass family of ancient origin that is used for food and grows in watery areas

38. a small green citrus fruit

39. a tropical plant with a fruit that is brown and rough on the outside and has a sweet, yellow, juicy flesh on the inside


2. to cook at a high temperature, as in an oven

3. a substitute for butter made from vegetable oils

4. the meat of cattle

6. plant in the cabbage family whose white, densely flowered head is eaten as a vegetable

7. salted, smoked meat from a pig's side

8. long, thin pasta, usu. eaten by winding it around a fork

10. any usu. box-shaped device used for cooking, baking, and heating food and other things

11. a small, sweet orange 14. yellowish fat made from milk or cream and used in cooking

15. 1,000 grams, or 2.2 pounds (lbs.)

16. gas in the air made by heated water under pressure

19. a small, peach-like fruit

20. a flat, round cake cooked until brown and made of flour, milk, eggs, and butter

22. food contents of a casserole

23. a plant with edible fruit shaped like a pear, usu. with purple skin

24. in the USA, a tall green plant with large, yellow seeds on long ears, fed to cattle or eaten cooked by people

25. to move s.t. (such as a spoon) in a circular motion through a liquid or mixture

26. a food dish of fruit, meat, or other foods cooked in a pastry crust

28. to add spices or flavoring to food

29. a small, round, usu. dark-red fruit that grows on a tree

31. a sweet, juicy fruit with a green, yellow, or brownish skin that is narrow at the top and wide at the bottom

32. the lining of a cow's stomach

33. to cook (meat, fish) with direct heat

34. to take the skin off a piece of fruit or vegetable

37. a measure of 8 fluid ounces or 16 tablespoons

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24.05.2020 07:43
OK, hello!OK, привет!Sarah:Hello!Привет!Todd:Hi, what's your name?Как тебя зовут?Sarah:My name is Sarah.Меня зовут Сара.Todd:OK, and Sarah where are you from?Так, Сара, а откуда ты?Sarah:I'm from the north of England, Newcastle.Я из северной Англии, из города Ньюкасл.Todd:OK, so Newcastle, how far is that from London?Так, значит, ты из Ньюкасла. Это далеко от Лондона?Sarah:Um, it's about 300 miles.Гм... примерно 300 миль.Todd:Uh-huh, do you go to London a lot or have you been to London before?У-гу. А в Лондон ты ездишь или бывала ли ты в Лондоне вообще?Sarah:I live in London. I've lived in London for the past seven years.Я живу в Лондоне. Живу там последние 7 лет.Todd:Oh, really?Вот как, оказывается!Sarah:Almost seven years, yeah.Почти 7 лет, да.Todd:OK. Which do you prefer, London or Newcastle?OK. И где тебе больше нравится: в Лондоне или Ньюкасле?Sarah:Um, like them both. I prefer Newcastle because it's smaller, so it's easier to get around and it's also cheaper. London is very expensive.И там, и там. Ньюкасл лучше тем, что он меньше, до всего там ближе, в тому же там дешевле. А Лондон город очень дорогой.Todd:So all your family is in Newcastle?Значит, все твои родственники живут в Ньюкасле?Sarah:Um, pretty much yeah.Э... в общем, да.Todd:So are they always trying to get you to go back and move back to Newcastle?А пытаются они вновь вернуть тебя в Ньюкасл?Sarah:Ah, no, no, because most of the jobs are in the south, anyway for younger people so it's quite difficult to get a job in the north in teaching.Нет-нет, потому что с работой намного лучше на юге страны, по крайней мере, для молодёжи - поэтому на севере довольно трудно найти место преподавателя.Todd:OK. Um, what do you like about London?OK. Э... чем тебе нравится Лондон?Sarah:Ah, it's a very busy place, there's lots of things going on all the time. There's also lots of things I don't like about London, but all my friends live there, lots of job opportunities.Это очень оживлённый город, постоянно полный разных событий. Многое в Лондоне мне не нравится, но здесь живут все мои друзья, и работу найти легко.Todd:OK, what were you doing before you came to Japan in London?OK, а чем ты занималась в Лондоне до приезда в Японию?Sarah:Ah, I was in Austria for a year. I was teaching in Austria, and then I was in London teaching, in London for a few years.Э... один год я прожила в Австрии. Преподавала там, затем преподавала в Лондоне несколько лет.Todd:What were you teaching in London?А что ты преподавала в Лондоне?Sarah:I was teaching primary school. I was a primary school teacher.
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10.01.2022 00:58
Ann: Hi Kate. Can you tell me a little about USA?
Kate: Hi Ann.Yes, sure.What would you like to know?
Ann: Everything.
Kate: Ok. The USA is a federal republic consisting of 50 states, each of which has its own government.
Ann: And what about constitution?
Kate: The present constitution was proclaimed in 1787 in Philadelphia. According to the Constitution the powers of the government are divided into 3 branches: the executive, headed by the President, the legislative, exercised by the Congress and the judicial.
Ann: Do you know what is the capital of the USA?
Kate: The capital of the USA is Washington.
Ann: What is the largest city?
Kate: The largest city is New York. It is the financial and business centre of the country.
Ann: Thank you Kate. I can't wait to go there
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