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18.01.2020 00:49 •  Английский язык

с английским. ответить на вопросы. When Sebastian was a boy at school, his favourite lesson was art, and he won several prizes for it. Once he left school, he got a position as a clerk in a bank, but three times a week he went to evening classes in art, and whenever he had time at the week-ends, he painted. He painted in a very modern manner- mysterious objects and shapes, women with three pink eyes, large blank areas, and so on. After a few months he thought, "Perhaps I can sell some of my pictures and get enough money to afford to leave the bank and become a real artist. Then I can travel around as much as I like, and go to foreign museums, and see other artists' paintings, and study in other countries when I
feel like it. Though I try to make the best of the job and I don't regard the work as difficult - at least not at present --- I don't like life in a bank. I only enjoy painting'.
In the bank, Sebastian sometimes had to deal with a man who owned a picture shop, and after he had had a few conversations with him, Sebastian invited him to his home one evening to see some of his work. "Then perhaps you could tell me whether I can really be a good artist and get some money from my painting, " Sebastian said hopefully. The man said he was prepared to come and see what he thought of Sebastian's work, so he arrived one evening at Sebastian's home. Sebastian took the man to his studio and started to show him some of his pictures, with some pride and hope… The man looked at them one after the other while Sebastian watched his face, but to Sebastian's disappointment the man did not say anything, and his expression did not change at
any of them. Then, when he had finished, he looked around, and his glance fell on something else. A happy look came over his face for the first time, and he said, "Now I like one very much! It's so full of deep feeling! I'm sure I could sell this one for you!"
"That," said Sebastian, "is the place where I clean the paint off my brushes".
What was Sebastiasn's favourite lesson at school?
2) What manner did Sebastian paint in?
3) What was Sebastian's dream ?
4) Did the visitor like Sebastian's paintings?
2) tell us about your favorite subject at school
3) how do you feel about art? who is your favorite artist
4) create a dialogue with a friend where you discuss your favorite subjects at school

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03.09.2022 14:52

He did his homework. She opened door. I came to shop. They played an interesting game. We ran rapidly. He came out of nowhere! Alex helped me a lot! Steve gifted a present to James. John began to do his homework. George made a cake for his friends. Jane became a friend of Mary. She hang out in party! Jordan helped to Zack with his homework. We didn't go to park. Michael bought a sandwhich. I managed to create this art. How did he do that? I was impressed. Everyone stood there, till he come out of there. Wow, this was sudden surprise!

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03.09.2022 14:52

So the New Year holidays are over. A lot of interesting things happened during this period. To begin with, I will tell you about how I met the New Year.

On December 30, my dad and I went to get the Christmas tree. For a very long time we chose, and finally, we chose a fluffy pine tree of small growth. When they got home, Dad immediately put it on a table in the corner of the hall. I began to decorate the Christmas tree with a glowing garland, beautiful Christmas toys and white flowing rain. By the time I finished decorating the tree and decorated the hall with my room, my mother came home from work. And I began to help her prepare various dishes for tomorrow's New Year's table.

I celebrated the New Year in my home circle: with my mother, father and sister. We listened to the president's New Year's greetings, the clock struck 12 and I made a wish that should come true this year. Santa Claus brought me a football under the Christmas tree, a book with a story by Arthur Conan Doyle "The Hound of the Baskervilles", beautiful notebooks and a lot of sweets. In general, everything that I wanted. And the next day we went to visit my grandparents-congratulated them on the New Year, and then went to the performance near the Christmas tree on theater Square. There were competitions organized by Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, we danced with them, sang songs. I told the poem to Santa Claus and he gave me a photo album.

On other days, I would walk in the yard with my friends. We made a snowman, played in the snow and sledding down the hill on a sled. I also went to the ice rink with my parents. Although I don't really know how to skate and was there for the first time, I really liked it and I will be happy to go again when mom and dad allow it.

Christmas came. Outside the window was a beautiful snowball, I was in a festive mood. We gathered as a family to go to visit my sister's godparents, since my godparents do not live in our city. They had a lot of guests, and we had a good time: talking, joking, laughing and even dancing. I really enjoyed watching my mother and my older sister guessing the night before Christmas.

On the Old New Year, my mother's brother and son came to visit us. We all went for a walk around the city together. We showed the sights of our city, visited the theater and were in the circus. And on the 14th they dressed up in costumes and went to sow for neighbors and relatives. I remember this day the most. We went home, wished people happiness, health, prosperity, joy, success in the New Year, even passers-by on the street. Everyone's spirits rose at once. We were thanked and earned a whole bag of sweets, fruits and money.

So, the New Year and Christmas holidays quickly flew by, it's time to prepare for the new academic semester. I repeated the material I had learned in literature, mathematics, and the Russian language. My mother would check the exercises I was doing, and I would tell my dad the poems I had learned. I started reading The Hound of the Baskervilles. My parents promised me a trip to the Black Sea in the summer, if I finish this school year perfectly. I will try very hard, because I really want to go to the sea, swim and sunbathe under the warm sun.

If something is wrong, then fix it for something of your own


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