The Texan never minded that he got no reply.
You are going to the University of Georgia and after you graduate you are going to manage the store for me.
You already have the most prestigious fellowship.
There is no question that your anger is founded.
And the families did survive and grow.
Я сделал.
They were fifteen years old and they had known so long that they were sons of a wealthy man that the feeling was hard to lose.
She will attract some attention.
It was a leading question.
The precious truth is lost forever.
A) по B) по C) по сравнению с
2. Билл никогда не покупает целые компакт-диски. Он платит и ... только те песни, которые ему нравятся, что работает дешевле.
A) устанавливает B) подключает C) загружает
3. Эми ... домой вчера, когда она поскользнулась на банановой корке и упала.
A) ходил B) шел C) ходил
4. Мария поместила фотографию своей дочери в ... рамку.
A) Щепка, прекрасная, современная B) прекрасная, современная, щепка C) современная, мыльная, симпатичная
5. Кошка пошла ... мышь, но не смогла ее поймать.
A) от B) до C) после
6. Почему кухня такая грязная? ... печенье?
A) Если бы вы пели B) Вы пели C) Запекали ли вы
7. Хелен не хороша ... физика, но у нее очень высокие оценки по математике.
A) базар B) торговый центр C) с
The Texan never minded that he got no reply.
You are going to the University of Georgia and after you graduate you are going to manage the store for me.
You already have the most prestigious fellowship.
There is no question that your anger is founded.
And the families did survive and grow.
Я сделал.
They were fifteen years old and they had known so long that they were sons of a wealthy man that the feeling was hard to lose.
She will attract some attention.
It was a leading question.
The precious truth is lost forever.