с контрольной по английскому языку!) ) I. Auding: Прослушай текст и, выбрав правильный ответ из предложенных вариантов, продолжи предложения.
1. She is … .
A) a teacher B) a student C) a worker
2. Her name is … .
A) Jane B) Sue C) Penny
3. She goes to school … .
A) in London B) in a little town C) near London
4. She lives … London .
A) in B) near C) far from
5. She lives with her parents and … .
A) a sister B) two brothers C) a brother
6. Her brother is … .
A) four B) forty C) fourteen
7. She has a … .
A) dog B) dog and a cat C) cat
8. She likes … .
A) playing football B) watching football on TV C) going to a football match
9. … she goes to a football match.
A) Sometimes B) Usually C) Once a week
10. She … .
A) likes sports very much B) doesn't like sports C) hates sports
every year on september 27, the world celebrates an important holiday - world tourism day. today we will learn about his story.
we see that we have everything that we tell about our plans. all this unites one theme - tourism.
from antiquity to modern times
tourism day is celebrated in all countries. also this holiday is professional for workers of the sphere of tourism.
originally from spain
in 1979, on september 27, in the city of torremolino (spain), the assembly of the world tourism organization held meetings at the third session. world tourism organization (the main organization in the field of tourism).
purpose and motto
annually, the day of tourism is held under a certain motto. the motto is chosen by the world tourism organization; in the same way, as well as the whole world, questions of economy, education, ecology, world peace, sports, etc.
for example, in 1986, the holiday was held under the motto “tourism is the life force for world peace”, and in 2015 - “one billion tourists - one billion opportunities”.
the main goal of the holiday is to popularize tourism and to establish links between different countries. people need to understand that everything is in a separate country. to realize its values: political, economic, social.
from the world of tourism
our planet has a huge number of places you want to visit. someone loves mountains, someone loves the sea. one is interesting to ride the bus through the cities, the other - to walk. everyone chooses their own type of tourism, which depends on the purpose of the trip, pastime, etc. what are the most popular types of tourism - we learn together.
ecological tourism
visit untouched natural sites. these are trips to natural areas, forests, etc. the goal is the preservation of the natural environment, its study and enjoyment.
educational tourism
a trip to another country for the purpose of training. these can be language courses, advanced training, education, etc. such trips can be either short (a week) or long (6 months).
medical and health tourism
trips to sanitary and resort facilities for the purpose of recovery.
business tourism
business trips to other countries. in other words - business trips.
religious tourism (pilgrimage)
trips of representatives of different religions in the holy places.
recreational tourism
trips for the purpose of rest, recuperation and energy.
exotic tourism
travel to unusual corners of the planet. for example, trips to africa or antarctica.
extreme tourism
tourist holidays associated with mountaineering, diving, etc.
do you like it?
лето – мое самое любимое время года. наконец-то заканчиваются холода и начинаются каникулы. летом можно радоваться солнцу и теплым денькам, отправляться в далекие путешествия и походы. особенно прекрасна летом природа – шумит зелеными листьями лес, поспевают ягоды, расцветают самые удивительные цветы. можно бесконечно гулять по цветущим лугам и любоваться на скромные белоголовые ромашки или плести венки из одуванчиков. приятно зайти в сумрак леса и скрыться от дневного зноя. а если присмотреться внимательно, то наградой за лесную прогулку будут коричневые крепкие боровики и гордые подосиновики.
весной природа пробуждается после долгого зимнего сна: с каждым днем становится теплее, все вокруг зеленеет буквально на глазах, а в лесу все чаще можно встреть животных и услышать радостное щебетание птиц. в начале весны снега уже мало, но пасмурных дней все же хватает. появление подснежников означает, что весна полностью вступила в свои права. вот уже постепенно теплеет, солнечных дней становится больше, вскоре мелкий дождик начинает поливать расцветающие деревья. все с большим нетерпением ждут первой майской грозы, которая извещает о том, что наступило теплое и солнечное лето