Задание 1. Определите разновидность склонения, род, падеж и число существительных: tabŭlae, conditorĭbus, veritatĕ, patrem, regem, carcĕre.
Задание 2. Переведите на русский язык, определите склонение, род, падеж и число существительных; наклонение, время, залог, лицо и число глаголов.
1. Nomĭna sunt odiōsa. 2. Suus rex reginae placet. 3. Amīci – fures tempŏris. 4. In vinō verĭtas. 5. Condicio sine qua (non). 6. Alma mater. 7. Cantica gignit amor et amorem cantica gignunt. 8. Alter ego.
Задание 3. Поставьте в зависимость от d i c u n t: 1) Homo locum ornat; 2) Roma a Romulo et Remo conditur.
Задание 4. Переведите с русского на латинский:
Древняя легенда рассказывает, что братья Ромул и Рем вскармливаются волчицей.
talk about something Ideally, it delivery has to cook me coffee every morning and put them in bed ...umm ...that's it, my ideal!
2Have you discussed the price of the equipment?
3.We have never traded with "Bell end Ko"
4.- Have you ever been in London?
-Yes , was.
5.This month we have a contract for office equipment "Braun end Ko"
6. We have not yet agreed to meet with German businessmen.
7. Recently, this company introduced several
new models.
8. Have you ever been to the Rolan cinema?
- No, I have never been there.
9. This year the firm advertised its products in newspapers and