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11.05.2022 13:51 •  Английский язык

с текстом и заданием From “Wild Food Crops to be ‘Rescued’” by Victoria Gill, BBC News, 2010

Scientists have announced a plan to collect and store the wild plant relatives of essential food crops, including wheat, rice, and potatoes. The project, coordinated by the Global Crop Diversity Trust, will collect and catalogue seeds from across the globe. The aim is to safeguard valuable genetic traits that the wild plants contain, which could be bred into crops to make them more hardy and versatile. This could help secure food supplies in the face of a changing climate.

All of the plant material collected will be stored in seed banks in the long term, but much of it will also be used in pre-breeding trials to find out if the wild varieties could be used to combat diseases that are already threatening food production. Dr Paul Smith is the head of the Millennium Seed Bank at London's Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, which is playing a key role in the project. "There is a real sense of urgency about this," he told BBC News. "For some of these species, we may just get this one bite of the cherry, because so many of them are already threatened [with extinction] in their natural habitats."

The hope is that the wild relatives of food crops will help plant-breeders to "correct for", not only a changing climate, but plant diseases and loss of viable agricultural land. Cary Fowler, executive director of the Global Crop Diversity Trust explained: "All our crops were originally developed from wild species- that's how farming began." But they were adapted from the plants best suited to the climates of the past. "Climate change means we need to go back to the wild to find those relatives of our crops that can thrive in the climates of the future."

1.We can infer from the text that …

a) food crops are weakening nowadays

b) there’ll be less crops in the future

c) diseases will threaten the wild plants

d) farmers have to adjust to the changing climate.

2. The aim of the project is …

a) to breed new crops

b) to safeguard the native traits of plants

c) to make the crops more versatile

d) to collect the seeds across the globe.

3. The key role in the project is played by …

a) Dr Paul Smith

b) Millennium Seed Bank

c) London's Royal Botanic Gardens

d) the wild relatives of food crops.

4. Food production is threatened because of the fact that …

a) crops are stored in the seed bank

b) crops are used in the pre-breeding trails

c) farmers can’t combat the diseases

d) wild varieties are too numerous.

5. The next factors could help secure food supplies in the face of a changing climate best…

a) hardy crops

b) versatile crops

c) wild plants

d) hardy and versatile crops.

6. According to the text, the reason why we can get only one bite of a cherry is…

a) they are already threatened with extinction

b) they are already threatened in their natural habitats

c) we can’t afford it

d) we can’t find them.

7. The wild relatives of food crops will help plant-breeders mostly to "correct for"…

a) changing climate

b) plant diseases

c) loss of viable agricultural land

d) plant diseases and loss of viable agricultural land.

8. Farming began with…

a) adapted plants

b) the plants best suited to the climates of the past

c) adapted plants with the best genetic traits

d) wild species.

9. In the last paragraph “to go back to the wild” means…

a) to watch more films about wildlife

b) to visit the forest more often

c) to take the best traits of the wild plants

d) to gather more wild crops.

10. Plant-breeders need to find the wild relatives of food crops that…

a) could thrive in the climate of the past

b) have the best genetic traits

c) can thrive in the climates of the future

d) are suitable for our region.

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15.12.2022 07:45

A hobby is something you like to do in your free time. Some people make something, grow plants or collect things. A lot of people do sports in their free time. Some people are fond of traveling or gardening.

My friend is fond of collecting dolls. She has got a very good collection and she is proud of it. She keeps her dolls in special bags and doll’s houses. This hobby is very popular with girls. Collecting dolls is funny but expensive.

I spend a lot of time on my homework but in the evenings I have enough free time to do my hobby. My hobbies are reading, playing LEGO and roller skating.

I like reading very much. I read interesting books, usually about magic.

I like to play LEGO. I have built a lot of houses from LEGO blocks and I like to do it.

I’m fond of roller skating. I can roller skate but I want to skate better. I’ve done skating for about 6 months. I’m proud that I could learn to roller skate so quickly.

I think that my hobbies are exciting!


Хобби — это то, чем вы любите заниматься в свободное время. Некоторые люди что-то делают руками, выращивают растения или коллекционируют вещи. Многие люди занимаются спортом в свободное время. Некоторые любят путешествовать или заниматься садоводством.

Моя подруга увлекается коллекционированием кукол. У нее очень хорошая коллекция, и она гордится ей. Она хранит свои куклы в специальных сумках и кукольных домиках. Это хобби очень популярно среди девушек. Собирать кукол — это занимательно, но дорого.

Я провожу много времени, делая домашнюю работу, но по вечерам у меня достаточно свободного времени, чтобы заниматься своими хобби. Я увлекаюсь чтением, игрой в LEGO и катанием на роликах.

Я очень люблю читать. Я читаю интересные книги, обычно о магии.

Мне нравится играть в LEGO. Я построил много домов из блоков LEGO, и мне нравится это делать.

Я люблю кататься на роликах. Я могу кататься на роликах, но хочу кататься лучше. Я катался на коньках около 6 месяцев. Я горжусь тем, что смог научиться кататься на роликах так быстро.

Я думаю, что мои увлечения захватывающие!

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15.12.2022 07:45

I'm a movie fan. My hobby is not only watching movies, but also reading reviews and reviews. I like to learn more and more about the world of cinema, because this field is now developing very rapidly. New products do not cease to please me every year.

Cinema is a whole world of art. The success of a movie depends on a lot of details that are not noticeable at first glance. In a good movie, every frame is a picture, thought out and finished. Sometimes the whole impression of the viewer depends on the color of the scenery or on the change of plans. And the script in general is a very difficult thing, you will not please everyone. Therefore, a high-quality film is an amazing achievement of a huge number of people.

When I watch a movie, I'm immersed in other lives. The video gives me a chance to see the world in all its diversity. I see things that I would never have seen without the movies. I'm learning more and more, even though I don't sit at my textbooks.

I would like to make this hobby a profession: become a film critic or even a director. I would also like to make people recognize the world around them from my work.

Объяснение: Пойдет? Я – киноман. Мое хобби – не только просмотр фильмов, но и чтение рецензий и отзывов. Мне нравится узнавать о мире кино все больше и больше, ведь эта сфера сейчас очень стремительно развивается. Новинки не перестают радовать меня каждый год.

Кино – это целый мир в искусстве. Успех кинокартины зависит от множества деталей, которые не заметны на первый взгляд. В хорошем фильме каждый кадр – это картина, продуманная и законченная. Иногда от цвета декораций или от смены планов зависит все впечатление зрителя. А сценарий вообще очень сложная вещь, всем не угодишь. Поэтому качественный фильм – это удивительное достижение огромного числа людей.

Когда я смотрю фильм, я погружаюсь в другие жизни. Видео дает мне шанс увидеть мир во всем его многообразии. Я вижу то, что никогда бы не увидел без кино. Я узнаю все больше и больше, хоть и не сижу за учебниками.

Мне бы хотелось сделать данное хобби профессией: стать кинокритиком или даже режиссером. Я бы тоже хотел делать так, чтобы люди узнавали окружающий мир из моих работ.

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