с тестом 1. This farm neither crawler tractors nor garden tractors..
a) is using
b) does use
c) uses
2. The nature of a slice upon the type of a plough used.
a) is depending
b) depends
c) depend
3. Our farmers the seedbed at the moment.
a) prepare
b) is preparing
c) are preparing
4. They obtain a good yield.
a) are always obtaining
b) always obtain
c) have always been obtaining
5. He as a mechanic since he graduated from Institute.
a) is working
b) has been working
c) works
6. The equipment examining to be done properly.
a) need
b) can
c) may
7. We change the date of the primary tillageу because of the great soil moisture.
a) was able to
b) could
c) had to
8. This combine is rather old. we buy a new one?
a) Will
b) Must
c) Shall
9. It be kept in mind that there are many types of moldboards.
a) may
b) should
c) can
10. Our tractor driver operate tractors of all types.
a) must
b) can
c) shall
11. The farm has the machines manure.
a) distributing
b) distributed
c) increasing
12. The machines at the farm are new.
a) used
b) using
c) uses
13. We should take into consideration the factors the quality of crops.
a) influencing
b) influenced
c) having influenced
14. new methods they got high yields.
a) applying
b) applied
c) being applied
15. We soils with blackland moldboard.
a) never plowed
b) have never plowed
c) are never plowing
равных полос белого, синего и красного. Первый дизайн этого флага был создан больше 300 лет назад. Пётр Великий адаптировал Национальный флаг Нидерландов. Потом два черноголовых орла на золотом фоне были добавлены к флагу России. Флаг был такой до революции в 1917. В девяностые, со сменой демократии, трёхцветный флаг был возвращён назад. 21 августа 1991, флаг был оффициально был принят Российским Президентом и Российским Парламентом.