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с тестом

my colleagues economics.
выберите один ответ:
a. is interested at
b. are interested in
c. has interest in
d. interest

my ceo really annoys me because she me to work at the weekends.
выберите один ответ:
a. asks
b. asked
c. has asked
d. is always asking

thanks for your .
выберите один ответ:
a. encouraged
b. encouragement
c. encourage
d. encouraging

scientific articles in this magazine.
выберите один ответ:
a. published
b. are often published
c. was often published
d. is often published

nominal reflects both prices of goods and services and quantities of goods and services an economy is producing.
выберите один ответ:
a. gdp
b. pc
c. ip
d. ceo

barriers to entry are economic or technical factors that make it difficult or impossible for firms to enter a market or existing suppliers.
выберите один ответ:
a. buy
b. compete with
c. compete to
d. supply

a is the situation in which there is only one buyer.
выберите один ответ:
a. competition
b. monopoly
c. monopsony
d. oligopoly

how many contracts a year .
выберите один ответ:
a. did you signed
b. are you signing
c. has you signed
d. do you sign

unless you finish, you’ll be .
выберите один ответ:
a. in trouble
b. confident
c. fine
d. happy

food can be produced large or small number of workers.
выберите один ответ:
a. in
b. to
c. at
d. by

perfect competition exists when products are homogeneous, and there are a great many firms too small to have any influence on the market price, and firms easily enter and exit the industry.
выберите один ответ:
a. can
b. are
c. have
d. can’t

an economic system to a political system.
выберите один ответ:
a. tired
b. have tired
c. isn’t tired
d. is closely tied

all major economies are in the sense that some decisions are made by individuals and some are made by governments.
выберите один ответ:
a. free economies
b. mixed economies
c. market economies
d. command economies

this is the first time i at science conference.
выберите один ответ:
a. have taken part
b. have looked at
c. took part
d. did

the development will consist of 60 a number of offices and commercial premises.
выберите один ответ:
a. homes
b. premises
c. dwellings
d. houses

are factors which cause the average cost of producing something to fall as output increases.
выберите один ответ:
a. economics
b. economy of the country
c. economies of scale
d. economies of output

the contract before the director comes to the office.
выберите один ответ:
a. will be typed
b. have been typing
c. is typed
d. was typed

nominal gdp is a value of all final goods based on existing during the time period of production.
выберите один ответ:
a. prices
b. demand
c. consumers
d. supply

the company chairman last week.
выберите один ответ:
a. have sack
b. was sacked
c. sacked
d. sack

a cartel is a group of producers or sellers who fix prices and quantities in order to avoid competition and increase profits. this is in many countries, most notably in the us
выберите один ответ:
a. common
b. illegal
c. legal
d. usually
e. {

an economic system works via the of three invisible forces.
выберите один ответ:
a. interference
b. intersection
c. interaction
d. communication

the problem which (to discuss) now at the conference is very important.
выберите один ответ:
a. discuss
b. was discussed
c. has been discussing
d. is being discussed

a is an industry in which the efficient existence of more than one producer is impossible; examples include public utilities such as water, gas and electricity, where it would be inefficient to have several competing companies laying their own networks of pipes or cables.
выберите один ответ:
a. monopsony
b. natural monopoly
c. competition
d. oligopoly

the committee discuss this question immediately.
выберите один ответ:
a. must be
b. has to
c. was
d. can

an oligopoly is a concentrated market dominated by a few large suppliers. this is very frequent in manufacturing because of economies of scale and the cost barriers of entering an industry.
выберите один ответ:
a. many large
b. much large
c. a few large
d. a little large

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06.12.2022 05:20

We live in the fascinating and challenging world of science. It is a world that more and more over the ages, and especially in the 20th century has come to affect so much of our lives. It is involved with the way we travel, the homes we live in and the clothes we wear, how we become ill and how medicine can make us better, and has given us fantastic means of communicating and exploring.

The list of the inventations is rather long. We are on-lookers of great scientific achievements such as television and a computer. We can't imagine our life withought a notebook or a radio. I'd like to speak in details about computers.

What is a computer?

A computer is an electronic device that stores information and allows changes in it through the use of instructions. A modern computer is capable of doing various tasks, like word processing and accounting. Personal computers are widely used but working on them requires some techniques.

The biggest challenge of my compure work was adapting to software that has been "upgraded" e.g. MS Word 10, in which perfectly efficient software is changed with different menus, commands but no real innovation.

Technology changed since I was a child - road trips just aren’t the same without getting lost or stopping to ask for directions; еhe world is at our fingertips... and we can bypass the mean librarian; тo more running to get into the picture before the timer goes off... behold, the “selfie stick”.

Since the beginning of the new millennium, the world has witnessed the emergence of social media, smartphones, self-driving cars, and autonomous flying vehicles. One of the biggest technology trends in recent years has been smart home technology, which can now be found in everyday consumer devices like door locks, light bulbs, and kitchen appliances. The key piece of technology that has helped make all this possible is the digital assistant.

I published pictures of family, life experiences and recent activities and posted them in Internet


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10.04.2022 21:59
1. В состоянии благосостояния вы не должны быть бедными, чтобы получить свою пенсию или пособие по безработице или пособие на ребенка. Это распределение льгот должно быть изменено. Только те люди, которые действительно нуждаются в должны ее получать. Есть и некоторые другие проблемы. • Некоторые люди, которые имеют право на различные льготы не получают их, потому что они не понимают сложную систему, и они не в состоянии заполнить все бланки. • Другие люди не знают, что они имеют право на получение. Бедные просто не знают о своих правах, чтобы получить особые выплаты, а иногда и требовать их. • Другие могут быть слишком гордыми, чтобы принять поэтому они отказываются принимать Я думаю, что государственная является неэффективной. Прежде всего, это пустая трата денег. Кроме того, она не является выборочной! Что еще? Предоставление льгот ослабляет семью. Если было бы меньше оказание государством, семьи должны сплотиться, и это сделает семью сильнее. Прежде всего, предоставление льгот лишает людей желания заботиться о себе. Нет необходимости, чтобы безработным или бездомным. Люди должны нести ответственность за то, что они делают. Я лично считаю, что любой, кто готов работать, может найти работу. 3. В государстве всеобщее доступна всем, кто имеет на нее право и это очень хорошо. В государство всеобщего благосостояния, никто не имеет права жить в нищете. Они имеют надлежащую медицинскую и образование, независимо от их дохода. Государство всеобщего благосостояния инвалидам, людям, которые не в состоянии работать, чтобы заработать деньги на себя. Государственная система обеспечивает пожилых людей доходом, который позволяет им жить. Без финансовой многие люди вынуждены по
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